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Q: Does your mood affect your reaction time?
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Does sound affect your reaction time?

No it does not

How does fatigue affect reaction time?

Fatigue affects reaction time by making it slower.

How does the amount of time given affect the rate of the enzymatic reaction?

it will increase the time of the chemical reaction

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Does fatigue affect reaction time?

Yes, it does.

What time affect the age and experience of a driver?

age and experience affect the reaction time of a driver

Does color affect a persons mood?

how does color affect a person's mood

Can music affect a person's reaction time?


Why does fatigue affect reaction time?

yes it does majorly

When do reaction times significantly affect scientific measurements?

When your measurement is close to the reaction time.

How does drinking cola affect your reaction?

From my experience, my reaction time was quicker, but it was harder to focus.

What can delay your reaction time?

A number of things can affect your reaction time, includingAgeInexperienceLack of sleepInattention to the situationConsumption of drugs or alcoholDistractions