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The answer is false. I just finished my test with the same question, so that's how I know its false.

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Q: Does your respiratory muscles contract each time you exhale?
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Do your respiratory muscles contract each time you exhale?


Can individual muscles pull in only one direction?

all of them, muscles can only contract and relax

Primary respiratory drive is based on?

Primiary respiratory drive in a healthy person is based on carbon dioxide levels. In a healthy person each time the carbon dioxide level gets high the brain stem send nerve impulses down the spinal cord that cause the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles to contract.

When you inhale do the muscles in your ribs contract?

Not exactly. Your intercostal muscles are the muscles that contract and they're found inbetween in each rib in the rib cage. When this contracts, as well as the diapragm, the lungs will have less air pressure inside them, making you breathe in. Hope this helped? :)

What leaves the body with each exhale breath?

CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) leaves the body with each exhale breath.

What are each organ in the respiratory system?

The anatomical features of the respiratory system include airways (nose,pharynx,larynx, trachea, bronchus), lungs, and the respiratory muscles (sternocleidomastoid, platysma, scalene muscle of the neck, external intercostal muscle and diaphragm)

Why do muscles bulged when they contract?

Skeletal muscle tissue is made of many fibers, which have many sarcomeres with overlapping actin and myosin protein strands. When muscles contract their proteins overlap eachother and shorten the fiber, which then increases height but shortens in length of each fiber.

Do muscles contract or push?

They contract.Long and complicated proteins fibres in the muscles draw across each other, bunching up, contracting the muscle.Muscles never push - to get around this, the body puts muscles into pairs, known as antagonistic pairs, so that they each pull (contract) in opposite directions. For example, around your elbow, your bicep pulls to close your arm, and your tricep (on the other side) pulls to extend your arm.

How are voluntary and involuntary muscle different from each other?

Generally, voluntary muscles are striated and skeletal muscles, while involuntary muscles are smooth muscles and are visceral (located in organs). Voluntary muscles are muscles that can be consciously contracted, while involuntary muscles are muscles that are contracted at certain times or at all times without the conscious consent of the brain.

What are the forces in muscles?

When muscles are stimulated, they contract, causing the muscle to become shorter. The force applied is therefore a tension. Most muscles are arranged in pairs so that each can apply tension to move a joint in either direction. Obvious examples of the pairing of muscles can be seen at the elbow and knee.

Howdo muscles move in your body?

Muscles make possible every move we make, even when we are sleeping. Your muscles move according to what they are fromed. To be more specific, a muscle is made up of many bundles of muscle fibers. Each of these bundles of fibers is called a motor unit. Each unit has a motor nerve which branches out at its tip. Each muscle fiber, therefore, has its own nerve ending to stimulate it. An electrochemical impulse is transmitted by chemicals from the nerve ending to the fiber, causing the fiber in that motor unit to contract and this is how each muscle of your body moves.

Do muscle push bones to make them move?

Muscles never "push"; they can only "pull".The only power that muscles have is to contract or relax. When they contract, they pull. Most bones have two or more sets of muscles, and each muscle pulls in one direction; in sets, the muscles can work together or oppose each other, which account for all the actions that an animal or person can perform.