

Does your right testicle drop down when you have an std?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Does your right testicle drop down when you have an std?
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If have a slight pain in your right testicle and your girl has abnormal bleeding what could it be?

some weird unheard of STD. Get that thinmg checked.

I woke up randomly one night because my right testicle is very sore and hurts to touch. I usually sleep on my stomach so i may have bruised it in my sleep but besides that i hope i don't have an STD?

Get that checked by a doctor, my friends brother had to have surgery.

What to do after 12th STD?

Settle down with 1 person you know will be faithful and has no STD.

Write a program in c plus plus to accept the string and then take the starting and ending point from the user and display the sub string through function?

#include<iostream> #include<sstream> unsigned input_num (std::string prompt, unsigned min, unsigned max) { unsigned num = 0; while (1) { std::cout << prompt << " (range " << min << " - " << max << "): "; std::string input = ""; std::getline (std::cin, input); std::stringstream ss (input); if (ss >> num) { if (num >= min && num <= max) break; else if (num<min) std::cout << "Index must be greater than or equal to " << min << std::endl; else std::cout << "Index must be less than or equal to " << max << std::endl; } else std::cout << "Invalid input." << std::endl; } return (num); } void print_substring (std::string input, unsigned left, unsigned right) { std::cout << input.substr (left, right - left + 1) << std::endl; } int main() { std::cout << "Input string:\t"; std::string input = ""; std::getline (std::cin, input); unsigned left = input_num ("Enter the start index of the substring", 0, input.size()-1); unsigned right = input_num ("Enter the end index of the substring", left+1, input.size()-1); print_substring (input, left, right); }

When should you tell your partner about an std?

i would tell him right away ...

What if you had unprotected sex and started your period right after is there a risk?

Still a risk of STD.

How do you sort a names using a linked list in C plus plus?

Merge sort is considered the most efficient algorithm for sorting lists. #include<iostream> // std::cout, std::endl #include<iomanip> // std::setw #include<list> // std::list #include<random> // Random number generator (RNG) #include<ctime> // C-style time (used by RNG) template<typename T> void merge_lists (std::list<T>& left, std::list<T>& right) { std::list<T> result; while (!left.empty() && !right.empty()) { if (right.front() < left.front()) { result.push_back (right.front()); right.pop_front(); } else { result.push_back (left.front()); left.pop_front(); } } while (!left.empty()) { result.push_back (left.front()); left.pop_front(); } while (!right.empty()) { result.push_back (right.front()); right.pop_front(); } left = std::move (result); } template<typename T> void merge_sort (std::list<T>& list) { // A list of 1 or none is already sorted. if (list.size() < 2) return; // Divide the list into two sublists. const size_t size = list.size() / 2; std::list<T> right; while (size < list.size()) { right.push_front (list.back()); list.pop_back(); } // Recursively sort each sublist. merge_sort (list); merge_sort (right); // Merge the sublists. merge_lists (list, right); } int main () { // Pseudo-random number generator (all 2-digit values). std::default_random_engine generator ((unsigned) time (0)); std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> distribution (10, 99); // Generate a list of 25 random values (may include duplicates). std::list<size_t> list; while (list.size() != 25) list.push_back (distribution (generator)); // Print the list. std::cout << std::setw (9) << "Unsorted:"; for (auto value : list) std::cout << std::setw (3) << value; std::cout << std::endl; // Sort the list. merge_sort (list); // Print the list. std::cout << std::setw (9) << "Sorted:"; for (auto value : list) std::cout << std::setw (3) << value; std::cout << std::endl; }

Is there any std Chevy rear end that would fit right into your 55 Chevy?

67, to 69 Camaro will bolt right in.

What is the STD rate at Cumberland County College?

The STD rate at Cumberland County College has dropped over the years from 40 percent down to 26 percent, but then rose again to 35 percent.

Is it ok if one gets a naval piercing while taking meds for a STD?

I would suggest you wait til you are done with the medication for your STD. Peircing anything loads you immune system down and if you are trying to get rid of an STD then piercing should be the last thing you need to worry about.

Write a program in c plus plus to reverse the sentence?

The simplest solution is to use a template function that will reverse an array of any type. This is achieved by iteratively working from both ends of the array, swapping characters while the left index is less than the right. The following example demonstrates the function using both a character array and a std::string, but the function will also work with an array of any type. #include<iostream> #include<string> template<class T> void rev_array(T A[], size_t size ) { size_t left=0, right=size-1; while( left<right ) { T tmp=A[left]; A[left]=A[right]; A[right]=tmp; ++left; --right; } } int main() { char arr[] = "Hello world!"; std::cout<<arr<<std::endl; rev_array(arr, strlen(arr)); std::cout<<arr<<std::endl; std::cout<<std::endl; std::string str = "The cat sat on the mat."; std::cout<<str.c_str()<<std::endl; rev_array(&str[0], str.size() ); std::cout<<str.c_str()<<std::endl; std::cout<<std::endl; return(0); } Example output: Hello world! !dlrow olleH The cat sat on the mat. .tam eht no tas tac ehT

How do you write a c plus plus program to remove duplicate elements in an array using function templates?

The most efficient method is to sort the array and then remove duplicate neighbours. If you want to maintain the original order, you must do it the long way, comparing every element with every other element, removing duplicates as you go.Both methods are shown below.#include // std::cout and std::endl#include // std::vector#include // std::sort and std::unique#include // pseudo-random numbers#include // required to seed random numberstemplateunsigned remove_unsorted_duplicates (std::vector& arr){// Maintain count of deletions.unsigned deletions(0);// Need at least 2 elements...if (arr.size() < 2)return deletions;// Loop through all but the penultimate element (left elements).unsigned left(0);unsigned penultimate = arr.size() - 1;while (left < penultimate){// Loop through all elements to the right of left element (right elements).unsigned right = left + 1;while (right < arr.size()){// Duplicate?if (arr[left] == arr[right]){// Left-shift all the elements from end of the array to fill the gap.unsigned i = right;while (i < penultimate){arr[i] = arr[i+1];++i;}// Remove the redundant element from the end of the array.arr.pop_back ();// Increment the deletion total.++deletions;// Decrement the penultimate count.--penultimate;}else{// Not a duplicate -- move to next element.++right;}}// Move to next element from left.++left;}// Return the number of deletions.return deletions;}templateunsigned remove_sorted_duplicates (std::vector& arr){unsigned size = arr.size();std::sort (arr.begin(), arr.end());std::vector::iterator it = std::unique (arr.begin(), arr.end());arr.resize (std::distance (arr.begin(), it));return size - arr.size();}templatevoid print_array (std::vector& arr){for (unsigned i(0); i < arr.size(); ++i){std::cout