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cocker spaniels hairless dogs of several breeds such as hairless rat terriers komondors and other "corded" herding dogs that have to be clipped

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Q: Dog breeds that don't shed hair other than poodle?
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Why doesn't a poodle shed?

Because their coats are curly, hair that comes loose tends to get trapped by the hair around it, meaning the dog doesn't shed like other breeds.

Do spoodles shed?

spoodles do not shed as they are crosed between a poodle and a spaniel. these breeds do not shed. i have a spoodle x labrador which doesn't shed hair as it is crossed between a poodle and spaniel.

What dogs dont shead?

Every dog that has poodle in it. my friend needed a dog that didn't shed hair so she got a cocker poodle (cross between a cocker spaniel and a poodle.)

Maltese and poodle cross dog and she is not supose to shed but she does why is this?

all dogs shed hair but in a poodle it has too be groomed out but the crossing of the two breed may cause it to come out by itself as many breeds of dogs do also the Maltese is a shedder of hair naturally

What dogs have hair opposed to fur?

you mean dogs that dont shed? poodles dont shed there are a lot of poodle mixes too. for example, my dog is a cockapoo (cockerspaniel-poodle mix) and he doesnt shed. If you're getting a half poodle, make sure it has poodle hair because otherwise it could still shed anyway i think yorkies (yorkshire terriers) dont shed but dont quote me on thag\t

What are some good dog breeds to consider for people who are allergic to dog hair?

No dogs are completely hypo-allergenic, but some breeds that may help are the Papillon, Poodle, Maltese, Native American Indian Dog and Vizsla.

What covers a teacup poodles skin?

Hair, just like on any other poodle.

What kid of dogs dont shedd a lot and are big dogs?

A standard poodle don't shed because poodles have hair not fur that why my reading teacher got about 5 poodles. I know its gross isn't it. That too many dogs to have in the house. oh sorry the answer is A STANDARD POODLE!!!!!!

Does a poodle shed hair?


What is a funny name to call people?

Blobmunch is one. When people have ugly curly hair call them poodle hair or poodle head, etc.

What breeds of dog do not molt?

Birds molt, dogs shed and blow coat.That said... the only dogs who won't shed are hairless dogs. Anything with fur or hair WILL shed that same fur/hair. Even people do it. Double coated breeds are worse, and so are short coated breeds. Longer hair holds on longer, and even when it does drop it's easier to pick up.AnswerI own a Bishon Frise X and she does NOT shed! There are several other breeds as well such as poodles, etc. You can go onto and ask: Breeds of dogs that do not shed. If you are asthmatic or have allergies then it's the dander of the skin of the animal and not the fur so sorry, you are out of luck for owning a dog or cat.AnswerI cleaned house for a couple that had a poodle. The man was highly allergic to other dogs. There is something about the poodle that does nit effect him. The poodle does not shed. We have a honey bee beagle that does not shed either. As for other breeds, I am not certain. More InformationAs posted in my initial response. Any animal with coat will shed that same coat, this includes poodles and other similarly coated dogs. The difference is that the curly, coarse coat of the poodle will hold the dead coat, rather than dropping it wherever the dog happens to be. You need to brush the coat to release the dead hair from the live hair. They still shed. What they don't do is DROP their coat. Shedding simply refers to the fact that an animal looses coat, not whether it drops the coat. Specific BreedsGlen of Imaal Terrier Breed StandardSoft Coated Wheaten TerrierMiniature Schnauzer Breed StandardPossibly a toy poodleA labradoodleMinitaure poodleCoton de TulearMaltesethese dogs do not molt because their coats are of a wool like material instead of fur.

What kind of cats have blonde fur?

LaPerms have curls much like the poodle and do not shed. They require minimum grooming. Other cat breeds with curly hair include the Cornish Rex, Devon Rex, Selkirk Rex, and the American Wirehair.