

Dog puked after eating new dog food?

Updated: 4/23/2021
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14y ago

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It was maybe not like the taste

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Q: Dog puked after eating new dog food?
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Where can one find a picture of a dog that will eat a hot dog?

Pictures of dogs eating hot dogs can be found at Pedigree Dog Food web-links. There is a web application on the Pedigree dog food website that allows a person to upload a picture of their dog and it will show the dog in the uploaded picture to be seen eating a hot dog.

What do you do if your dog doesnt like regular dog food?

If you mean by 'Doesn't like regular dog food' that it isn't eating it's food, I suggest you take him/her to the Vet. It could have something wrong with it's teeth to stop it eating.

Why is my dog not eating food?

If your dog isn't eating food there are several possible reasons. The first is that your dog could be sick, many infections and more serious problems can affect how much a dog can eat, or if they can eat. The second and if your dog is eating some but does not seem to get sick this could be the reason, is that he/she might not like the food you are buying, animals, just like people can dislike foods.