

Dose the tooth fairy eat tooth paste and mouthwash?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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'Cause they do, then they floss their teeth and that's how we get fairy floss.

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Q: Dose the tooth fairy eat tooth paste and mouthwash?
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What town dose the tooth fairy live in?

Your moms room

Dose everybody have there own tooth fairy?

There is no tooth fairy. But, for your kid's benefit (I hope) there is one universal tooth fairy, just like Santa Claus!

Does drinking lots of water help clear infected tooth?

no it dose not it just make the tooth irritated

Does a tooth fairy grant wishes?

The Tooth Fairy has no need of a magic wand, first off, think how full her hands are of all those tiny teeth that she is constantly collecting, and secondly she has a pouch of fairy dust tied to her belt for emergencies. Just in case she runs into something out of her normal range of personal influence, such as a picking up a tooth in a raging lighening storm. That might require a little fairy dust to help her snuggle that child into a deeper sleep while she gently lifts the edge of the pillow to retreive the tooth and replace it with her gift. She wouldn't want a bolt of lightening and a huge clap of thunder to awaken the child while they were eye to eye, that would press even her special personal fairy powers of influence. She is a powerful fairy, but there are limits to her abilities, and conviencing a startled child that she isn't really there is one of them. So she may use the precaution of the fairy dust, not a magical wand.

Why get fairy dust?

Fairy dust dose not exist therefor there is no need. Actually, some people say it brings you good luck. It also helps attract fairies.

What dose of augmentin for tooth infection?

The dosage of Augmentin for a tooth infection is decided upon by your doctor or dentist. Never taken medicine that is not prescribed by a doctor.

What should you do if you swallow mouthwash?

Swallowing a mouthful of Listerine will not do any real harm to a person. However, drinking mouthwash regularly and doing so in large amounts can have a negative effect on a person since it contains alcohol.

How much paste ivermectin horse wormer dose for a dog?

Paste dewormers designed for horses should not be utilized in dogs, due to the risk of overdosing and causing serious injury or death.

What dose incisor mean?

Incisors (from Latin incidere, "to cut") are the first kind of tooth in heterodont mammals. They are the front four teeth on your upper and lower jaw.

What does fairy usually do?

what a fairy usually dose is the fly around and help nature and some times they like to play tricks so if your keys are missing or something is miss placed a fairy might of played one of there silly tricks on you but don't be mad there just playing

What time dose the tooth fariy go to bed?

Listen kid, you got problems, Ok? You mispelled does and guess what? The tooth fariy is your parents! The same thing for Santa and the Easter Bunny!

Should I use Crest 3D whitening mouthwash with another mouthwash?

It is not advisable to use more than one mouth wash because these are basically a chemicals so to avoid interaction between chemicals and detrimental effects use one mouth wash or at least separate each dose by 5 minutes.