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Q: Drugs that help asthmatics breathe better by opening or dilating bronchioles would be classified as?
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What is the repository system?

The respiratory system is the bodily system that allows us to breathe. The respiratory system is so interlocked with the circulatory system that the two are often referred to as the cardiopulmonary system. It all starts when we breathe in air from our nose and mouth. The fresh oxygen travels through our mouth and/or nasal cavity to our trachea. After a certain point, the trachea splits into two bronchi, which then split into bronchioles. The bronchioles and in alveoli, or air sacs. The blood capillaries are wrapped around these alveoli. Oxygen passes into the capillaries while carbon dioxide is released. The carbon dioxide travels back up and out of the body.

What is a sentence for breathe?

"Breathe in and breathe out, for you must breathe to live."

When in the lungs does the blood absorb both oxygen and carbon dioxide?

The Carbon Dioxide is not absorbed into the blood it is only the oxygen. When you breathe in, the air travels down your windpipe, down the bronchi and then down the bronchis. On the end of the bronchioles, there are sacs called alveoli. These have a good blood supply surrounding them. The blood is absorbed through this small sac. The reason it can get through is that the walls of the alveoli are only one cell thick.

What is a sentence with the word Breathe?

We need to breathe oxygen to live.He kept telling me to breathe easy. I'd like to see him breathing easy while giving birth.The oxygen tanks allow us to breathe underwater for a while.

You breathe out a gas called what?

we breathe out a gas called carbon dioxide

Related questions

What does epinephrine do to bronchioles?

dilates bronchioles so the person can breathe more easily

Name the organs in different living organisms through which they breathe?

skin trachea bronchioles lungs nose

What nuscles are affected by asthma?

A lot of asthmatics use reverse breathing. Instead of pushing their diaphragm out when they breathe in, they push it in. As a result, they do not clean out the garbage in their bronchial tubes when they breathe out. At an asthma center, one of the first things they work on is breaking asthmatics of their horrible habit of reverse breathing. If asthmatics would learn Yoga style breathing, they could clean out far more garbage out of their lungs. That is done by pushing their diaphragm out the entire way when they breathe in and pushing their diaphragm up into their chests when they breathe out. They might cough up a lot of garbage when they do. The muscles in the chest can learn to work with the diaphragm to open and close the lungs. The muscles in the larynx also are important. The tongue is one of the biggest problems many asthmatics have. When they swallow, they use tongue thrust. Instead of holding their tongue against the roof of their mouths like normal people, they stick it out their lips. This leaves food in their throats instead of forcing it into their stomachs. the next time they breathe, the food goes with the air into their lungs. A number of Asthmatics have a constant low grade infection. Dr. Meyer Marks, the professor of Allergy and Asthma at the University of Miami, put all his patients on Sulfa prophylactically.

How are dolphins are classified?

Dolphins are mammals. They breathe air.

How does a zebra breaths?

Zebras breathe the same way that all mammals do. They have lungs, a trachea, and bronchioles. Zebras inhale through their nose or mouth. The air goes down the trachea and branches into bronchi and bronchioles. Oxygen and carbon dioxide pass across the cell membranes inside the alveoli of the bronchioles. The zebra then exhales out of their nose or mouth.

List the organs air will travel through as you breathe in order?

Nares, nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchus, bronchioles, alveoli

Work of breathing?

Once you breathe in oxygen through your nose, it travels through the trachea, then to the bronchi. The bronchi helps to get oxygen to your lungs. After the air passes through the bronchi, it travels through the bronchioles which are smaller tubes than the bronchi which are bigger tubes than the bronchioles. From the bronchioles air goes to the alveoli. Then it travels back out through the bronchioles, then through the bronchi until the carbon dioxide waste is out of your system. Hope i helped :)

What genre is Anna Nalick's song Breathe classified as?


How many breathes for asthma?

there is no set of breathes for asthmatics. They can't breathe so their heart rates increase. instead of counting breaths, take your pulse or put your hand on your chest to feel how fast your heart is beating.

Why dolphines are classified as mammals?

They give live birth, their young suckle and they breathe with lungs.

Why are'nt penuins classified as fish?

why do penguins woddle? Because penguins are birds. They breathe air, and fish breathe water. There are many creatures that swim which are not fish.

Penguins can swim so why are they not classified as fish?

They have wings and feathers. They breathe air. They are warm blooded.