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Generally, depending on where you are on the continent, this period occurs between February and October.

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Q: During What period does Antarctica have its 'long night' or 'winter'?
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When in Antarctica is it always night?

During the winter months when there is no sunrise.

What time of year does Antarctica have it shortest days and longest night?

Like all locations in the southern hemisphere, winter is the period you reference, which begins on June 21.

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Rigel is in the constellation of Orion the hunter, it is visible from Earth during the period of Northern Winter - at night.

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What is the normal temperature in Antarctica?

By night, one must assume that you mean during sun-less periods. At the South Pole, the sun-less period is about six months and the temperature during that period averages between minus 65 and minus 75 degrees F. Elsewhere on the continent, the sun-less periods vary as does the temperature, which is always extremely cold.

How does night occur in Antarctica?

'Night' occurs by clock time for time during every 24-hour period. 'No sunlight' occurs when there are no sunrises. Below the Antarctic circle, every location experiences at least one 24-hour period with no sun rise, or no sun set, depending on the season.

Is there an event in history when it has been light during the night time hours?

Yes. It occurs every year in Antarctica. Antarctica experiences months of continuous daylight, and then months of continuous night.

What country has a 6 month day and 6 month night?

Norway, specifically the Svalbard archipelago, experiences 6 months of continuous daylight during summer and 6 months of continuous darkness during winter due to its proximity to the North Pole and its location within the Arctic Circle.

Why does it feel like the night never ends during the winter?

During summer, the days are long and the nights are short. During winter, the days are short and the nights are long.

How many hours in night would you get in winter?

The amount of hours that happen at night during the Winter can vary greatly by location on Earth. For instance, near the North Pole, it can be dark the entire winter.

Why does the moon early at night?

The full moon rises earlier/sets later and remains above the horizon for a longer period of time in the winter than the full moon during the summer.

Do cockroaches go dormant?

There are many species of cockroach that have a dormant period during the winter. When the temperature at night drops below freezing, most cockroaches go dormant and will die after a week.