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During a drought there is less rainfall.

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Q: During a drought is there less or more rainfall?
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When was the biggest drought to occur in 2012 in the US?

The biggest drought would more likely have happened during the high summer months like June or July. The reason for suggesting June or July would be due to the time when the sun would be closer to being overhead in the US thereby reducing the chance of rainfall during those months.

What happens to productivity as rainfall increases?

Productivity decreases as rainfall increases. Marine life tend to be more productive when there is less rainfall in their ecosystem.

What part of a plant is missing from desert plant?

Most desert plants have the same parts as plants from areas with more rainfall. Some, such as cacti, have lost their leaves and replaced them with spines. Some plants grow leaves during rainy seasons and then shed them during periods of drought. They may do this several times each year. Other plants allow their leaves to shrivel during drought and then spring back to life after a good rain.

What happens to molecules during a drought?

They just aren't there. The water molecules are somewhere else. It's less chemistry than a more macro-scale science like Meteorology.

Does heavy rainfall make ocean water more or less dense?

Heavy rainfall makes water less dense because an increase in salinity leads to an increase in density. Rain does not contain any salt. Therefore heavy rainfall makes ocean water less dense. =)

What is lacking water or rainfall?

when the annual rainfull numbers starts to desends gradually for more than one season .

What is the difference between drought and low rain fall?

Drought is a period of continuous dry weather when there is not enough water for users' normal needs. Low rain fall is a period where there is less rainfall than normal, so there is still water for normal needs but just not as much. Therefore, droughts are more serious than low rainfalls and they aren't the same.

Disadvantage of agriculture?

Traditionalfarming was more reliant upon rainfall to water the plants, so dought was a common issue. The quantity of food produced was less per acre, which, when combined with drought, caused starvation. The quality of the food produced was lower than the quality of today.

What is the average yearly rainfall of Queensland?

There can be no "average" yearly rainfall for a state as large as Queensland. Some of the towns in Queensland's far northeast regularly vie for the title of Australia's wettest town, whilst towns in the far southwest are almost permanently in drought. However, to see more details of rainfall in Queensland, click on the related link and select "Queensland" on the "select area" button.

Disadvantages of traditional agriculture?

Traditionalfarming was more reliant upon rainfall to water the plants, so dought was a common issue. The quantity of food produced was less per acre, which, when combined with drought, caused starvation. The quality of the food produced was lower than the quality of today.

Factors that impact drainage density?

runoff- the higher the evaporation the lower the drainage desity.the amount of rainfall and infiltration. if there is more rainfall there is less infiltration

What are preventive measures of drought?

We can do the following to prevent drought: 1. Grow more trees 2. Develop irrigation facilities by building dams 3. We should indulge in rain water harvesting 4. Save water to prevent drought 5. Spraying water on the base of the plants so that less water is used 6. Growing drought resistant crops like millets, maize and sorghum 7. Build a canal to divert water 8. Store water for future generations 9. Put more wells and tubewells 10. Store water when get a good rainfall