

During convection what happens?

Updated: 9/13/2022
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15y ago

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particles move faster

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Zackery Schumm

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Q: During convection what happens?
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What happens to particles during the process of convection?

During convection, particles in a fluid gain kinetic energy, become less dense, and rise. As they rise, they transfer heat through the fluid by bumping into other particles. Once they cool down or lose energy, they become denser and sink back down, creating a continuous circular motion that transfers heat.

Where convection can happen?

Convection can happen in fluids such as air and water, where differences in temperature cause the fluid to rise and fall in a circular motion. This process helps to distribute heat energy more effectively and can be observed in phenomena like ocean currents, boiling water, and atmospheric circulation.

How convection happens?

Convection happens due to the transfer of heat by the motion of a heated fluid such as air or water.

Why does convection happens?

convection happens because fluids become less dense and expand and riseas they are heated.

The type of energy called convection happens as a result of?

Convection currents

What are the differences of conduction and convection?

Convection has a cycle of what happens. Conduction dosent have a cycle

What happens at each layer of the earth?

Conduction, Convection, Conduction,Convection, Conduction, Radiation

Name 2 layers of earth in which convection currents take place?

athenosphere and lithosphere

What happens to convection currents if the heat source is removed?

The convection currents will eventaully stop because there is no heat to keep them moving.

Convection currents form when air temperatures are?

This happens when the are different .

The inside frame of your front door feels cold during the winter is an example of what heat transfer?

This is an example of conduction, where heat is transferred through direct contact between materials with different temperatures. In this case, the cold air outside is transferring its heat to the inside frame of the door, making it feel cold to the touch.

What is the molten layer of the earth where convection happens?

no it happens on the surface of earth i think . Good luck!