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They don't normally as there is no need for one-after all the only reason women have periods is so the egg can be fertilised but sometimes women go throughout their whole pregnancy having regular periods. Some women don't even know they are pregnant until they go into labour!

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Q: During pregnancy do women get their period?
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Have Women Gotten Their Period While Being Pregnant?

Some women have light bleeding during their pregnancy but it is not a period, a menstrual period is the shedding of the uterine lining - if the uterine lining sheds during pregnancy the embryo or fetus would be miscarried.

Is it possible to be pregnant while you on your period?

Having a period (shedding of the uterine lining) and pregnancy are not compatible but some women experience monthly period type spotting during pregnancy.

What do women go though during puberty?

They go through their period and through pregnancy

How is a period during pregnancy different?

During pregnancy, the period stops.

Can a girl stay pragnent after her period?

Pregnant women do not get periods. Some women do bleed during pregnancy but this needs to be checked by a Dr immediately.

Is pregnancy possible during period?

There is a definite chance that any woman can get pregnant during her periods. Though the chances of pregnancy during periods are low, they exist for all women. The truth is that there is no predictable time during the month when the risk of pregnancy can be said to be absent.

If a women is on her period does she take a pregnancy test?

If a woman is having her period, there's no need for a pregnancy test.

Are you pregnant if your having spotting during your period and then miss your next period?

Spotting is very common during the course of pregnancy and the combined symptoms of spotting then a missed period certainly could indicate pregnancy. However it is very common for women who are not pregnant to have a missed period or spotting. I suggest a pregnancy test which are readily available at almost any store and to consult your doctor.

Does vaginal bleeding happen during the same time your period should be?

The most common vaginal bleeding occurs during your period. However,they have been reports of women spotting during ovulation or during pregnancy. If you are worried you might be pregnant, by all means take a home pregnancy test.

Is it possible to have a period even if you think you have conceived?

Some women have periods during pregnancy but it is uncommon. Best way to know is to take a Early Home pregnancy test.

Is having your period while pregnant a myth?

Not exactly. Some women have bleeding in the first month of two of pregnancy, but it is not technically a period. Also, if you have heavy bleeding during pregnancy, you might actually be having a miscarriage.