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According to CLSI the tourniquet should not be left on for more than a minute. If a suitable vein has not been found, remove the tourniquet, leave it off for two minutes, then reapply the tourniquet to look for suitable veins and/or perform the venipuncture.

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Q: During the venipuncture procedure the tourniquet should not remain on the patient's arm for more than how long?
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How long should a tourniquet be left on a pt arm during venipuncture procedure?

how long should a tourniquet stay on a patients arm:There is no clearcut rule as to how long a tourniquet may be inflated safely, although various investigators have addressed effects of ischemia on muscle and nerve to define a relatively "safe" period of tourniquet hemostasis. In practice, safe tourniquet inflation time depends greatly on the patient's anatomy, age, physical status, and the vascular supply to the extremity. Unless instructed otherwise, report to the surgeon when 60 minutes of tourniquet time has elapsed. There is general agreement that for reasonably healthy adults, 90 minutes should not be exceeded without releasing the tourniquet for a short time.

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You use your thumb to keep the vein from "rolling" while doing a venipuncture.

What standard conditions must be observed during venipuncture?

See the Web Links to the left for more information about venipuncture.

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How do you prevent a hematoma during a venipuncture?

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