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Q: During which war did Hitler put the Jews in concentration camps?
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How many concentration camps did Adolf Hitler have?

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Who put the Jews in concentration camps in 1938?


When did Hitler send the Jews to Concentration Camps?

May 1940 in a big load but hitler did send jews to camps as early as 1933 but none of them were killed

How did Hitler get all the Jews to the concentration camps?

With the help of Peter

When did Hitler send Jews to concentration camps?


Why did the Jews stay in Germany during World War 2 instead of escaping?

Hitler kept them in concentration camps

What is the difference between holocast and genocide?

There is probably no difference. The holocast consisted of genocide. Hitler was going against the Jews so he sent all the Jews to concentration camps or death camps. There is probably no difference. The holocast consisted of genocide. Hitler was going against the Jews so he sent all the Jews to concentration camps or death camps.

Where were the Jews placed during the Holocaust?

Concentration camps

Hitler plans to kill the jews?

During the holocaust, Hitler laid down elaborate plans to exterminate all the Jews. Concentration camps with gas chambers and human ovens were meant to carry out the work.

By the end of kristallnacht how many Jews were in concentration camps?

During the Kristallnacht and the days that followed about 30,000 German Jews were sent to concentration camps.

Who hitler kill the jews?

During World War 2, Adolf Hitler assassinated the Jewish people in many ways. Jewish people suffered in concentration camps, work camps, and used in medical experimentation.

What was the importance of the concentration camps?

Hitler wanted the inferior, in his eyes the Jews, Gypsies, handicapped, gay people, dead. That is practically why he started the concentration camps.