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Q: Each parent passing only one allele for a trait to its offspring is known as?
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What is the passing of traits from one generation from another?

Known as 'hereditary' conditions capable of being transmitted from parent to offspring through the genes

What is the passing of traits from one generation to another?

There are many things that happen with the passing of traits from one generation to another. It is known as giving a hereditary trait.

Passing of traits from organism to offspring is known as?


Segments of what are transferd from parent to offspring are called genes?

from parents to their offspring is known as heredity.

The passing on of characteristics from parents to offspring?

The passing on of characteristics from parents to offspring is known as heredity. Some characteristics include hair or eye color, dimples and freckles.

Offspring which arise as a contiguous outgrowth of the parent is called?

Offspring which arise as a contiguous outgrowth of the parent is called budding. The process of a parent cell dividing into a large number of genetically identical cells all at once is known as multiple fission.

What is the definition of hereditary?

Hereditary refers to characteristics or traits that are passed down from one generation to the next through genes. These traits can include physical attributes, predispositions to certain diseases, or behavioral tendencies inherited from biological parents.

What is the gene that codes for a particular trait is known as what?

An allele is a gene for a specific trait. Cells contain two alleles for every gene, with one allele provided by each parent of an organism.

What is the chances of a person passing coffin lowry syndrome to there offspring?

Coffin-Lowry syndrome is an x-linked dominant condition which means it can only be passed on by a female. There are no known instances of a man passing CLS on to offspring. If the mother has CLS or is a CLS carrier, then there is a 50/50 chance of passing on the condition to her offspring. CLS can also occur as a spontaneous mutation, where there is no family history of the condition.

What type of allele is known for skipping a generation?

The type of allele known for skipping a generation is the recessive allele because it is almost always hidden.

What comes from the female parent?

It's called an Egg. or an ovum, a female gamete

Alternative versions of a gene?

One or more forms of a gene that codes for a specific trait is also known as an allele