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to be honest nobady in the human world nos stinky

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12y ago

about 20 blood vessels. you can see it on wikipedia

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14y ago

20 Feet

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Q: How many feet of blood vessels are in the human body?
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Related questions

What is the total surface area of all blood vessels in the human body?

14,000 square feet

People that smoke why do there hands and feet get cold?

the blood in their body is deprived of oxygen and other materials in the vessels.

Can tiny blood vessels in your feet dry up?

well if you want to know look at your blood vessels lol

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they all do

What is Acrocyanosis caused by?

caused by constriction or narrowing of small blood vessels in the skin of affected patients. The spasm of the blood vessels decreases the amount of blood that passes through them, resulting in less blood being delivered to the hands and feet

How many square feet cover the human body?

The adult human body contains an average of fourteen to eighteen square feet of ...

How many feet of veins does a human body have?

two feet

How strong is a human heart?

It can blast blood up to 30 feet in an average human. 60 feet in an athlete.

Why does soaking feet in hot water cause them to swell?

Heat causes vasodilation, which means the blood vessels in your feet get larger in diameter, thus causing swelling. On the other hand, cold causes vasoconstricion, narrowing of the blood vessels, and would cause the swelling to diminish.

What are facts about the circularity system?

=The human heart beats between 60 & 100 beats per minute. In that minute the 6 liters of blood travels, once, all the way around the body.==There are 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body.==Woman's hearts beat faster than men's.==An individual blood cell takes about 60 seconds to make a complete circuit of the body.==Each square inch of human skin consists of twenty feet of blood vessels.==It would take 1,200,000 mosquitoes, each sucking once, to completely drain the average human of blood.==The most common blood type in the world is Type O. The rarest, Type A-H, has been found in less than a dozen people since the type was discovered.==There are four main Blood types: A, B, AB and O and each Blood type is either Rh positive or negative. Blood types in the US - Type O positive 38.4%, O negative 7.7%, A positive 32.3%, A negative 6.5%, B positive 9.4%, B negative 1.7%, AB positive 3.2%, AB negative 0.7%=

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Why are there blood capillaries close to all the cells in your organs?

You have 100,000 feet of blood vessels in your body. The tinest ones must be close to the cells. Each cell needs a constant supply of oxygen and glucose and other nutrients and must have means to remove wastes that they make.