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well if you want to know look at your blood vessels lol

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Q: Can tiny blood vessels in your feet dry up?
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The reasons for blood stains when sneezing could be caused by broken blood vessels. Dry skin can also cause your nose to bleed in dry weather.

Can hot weather make your nose bleed?

Due to dry climate or environment,your nasal membranes dry out and crack which results to bleeding. Ok there you go. I hope I answered your question.

Red rash just above your ankles only happens when you retain water and blood pressure is up?

Yes and also red rash related to dry skin ; blood vessels and scorisis appear.

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Water striders have tiny hairs on their feet that enables them to walk on the surface tension of water without getting wet.

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The epithelium and blood vessels in the nasal cavity serve to warm and moisturize the air as a person breathes it in. This is to prevent the delicate membranes of the alveoli from being damaged by cold dry air.

What are the symptoms of not enough vitamin c?

Bleeding of gums, loss of hair, loose teeth, joint pains, pain in the bones, dry scaly skin and blood vessels. It eventually leads to scurvy.

How long does it take blood to dry?

It only takes a few minutes for a small sample of blood to dry. It might take about an hour for a large sample of blood to dry.

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every time you purge, it puts great strain on your body including your eyes. blood vessels in your eyes sometimes burst, so the whites of your eyes are now covered in red lines. vision beomes very blurry following purging. the blood vessels will fix themselves in a few days if you do not continue purging.

How many dry quarts in 1.5 cubic feet?

There are about 38.6 dry quarts in 1.5 cubic feet.

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70.71 dry gallons in 11 cubic feet.

How can diabetic foot infections be prevented?

control blood glucose and do not allow it to get too high avoid smoking keep blood pressure and cholesterol under control exercise to stimulate blood flow keep feet clean, dry, and warm

Which dry fruits helps to increase blood?

beacuse they blood curculation that why we must use dry fruit for our skin, blood, health.