

Best Answer

A.DevelopedHigh level of productive capacityB.DevelopingLow levels of industrial capacityC.UnderdevelopedHigh levels of foreign investmentD.New globalizerLow standard of living

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1mo ago
  1. Developed country - high level of industrialization and advanced infrastructure.
  2. Developing country - transitioning economy with rapid urbanization and expanding middle class.
  3. Least developed country - high levels of poverty, limited access to basic services, and vulnerable to economic shocks.
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Chrisshad Manning

Lvl 4
3y ago

A. Developed: High level of productive capacity

B. Developing: Low levels of industrial capacity

C. Underdeveloped: High levels of foreign investment

D. New globalizer: Low standard of living

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Q: Each type of country with one of its central features?
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Which country is also the name of a hat?

Panama is a country in Central America and also the name of a type of hat, the Panama hat, which is made from straw.

Land away from the coast?

Land located away from the coast is typically referred to as inland or interior land. This type of land is usually situated in the inner regions of a country, away from the sea or ocean. Land away from the coast may have different characteristics and features compared to coastal land.

Which characteristic is the country most likely to have?

It depends on the context or criteria being considered. Characteristics can vary greatly between countries, ranging from cultural traits, economic indicators, political systems, or geographic features. It is important to specify the type of characteristic in order to determine which country is most likely to possess it.

What provinces in the Philippines have type 1 climate?

The provinces in the Philippines that have a type 1 climate are those located in the northern and central parts of the country, such as Benguet, Ifugao, and parts of Nueva Viscaya. These areas are characterized by distinct wet and dry seasons, with the wet season typically occurring from May to October and the dry season from November to April.

What are the agricultural features?

Agricultural features refer to physical characteristics of a landscape that affect farming practices, such as soil type, topography, climate, and access to water sources. These features can influence crop selection, irrigation methods, and overall productivity of the land for agriculture. Farmers often assess these features to make informed decisions about land use and management.

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What the central lowlands are depends greatly on which country or region is being discussed. In general, central lowlands would be centrally located low plains type of land.

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In West Africa - There are many geographical features Climate Type - Desert Climate; Tropical Climate; Landforms - Desert; Forests; Coastlines; Savanna (Grassland); Hope this was helpful ;)

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Which country is also the name of a hat?

Panama is a country in Central America and also the name of a type of hat, the Panama hat, which is made from straw.

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