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Lincoln steffens

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Q: Early muckraker who exposed the political corruption in many American cities?
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The journalist who exposed political corruption were called?


A muckraker was a reporter who?

Muckrakers were known as reporters who investigated political and corporate corruption and exposed it.

Why was Lewis Hine a muckraker?

He was a muckraker because he exposed corruption in society

Why was photographer Lewis Hine considered a muckraker?

Lewis hine was considered a muckraker because he exposed coruption in society.

What are Muckraker articles?

Muckraker articles were investigative journalism pieces that exposed corruption, injustices, and societal issues in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. These articles aimed to bring about social and political reform by shedding light on issues such as political corruption, labor abuses, and unsanitary living conditions. Muckrakers played a key role in raising public awareness and shaping public opinion during this period.

What contribution did muckraker make to the reform?

The muckrakers investigated and exposed social, political, and economic corruption and problems through their publications. They brought the issues to the public's attention so that action could be taken to reform the problems.

What was Thomas nast's impact on on the American political system?

Nast drew political Cartoons that exposed the corruption of political bosses.

What was the name of the reform unit that exposed economic and political corruption?

progressive movement

Why was John D Rockefeller considered a muckraker?

John D. Rockefeller was not considered a muckraker. He was a powerful figure in the oil industry and known for his business practices and the creation of the Standard Oil Company. Muckrakers were investigative journalists who exposed corruption and societal issues in the early 20th century.

Is frank Norris a Muckraker?

Yes, Frank Norris is considered a Muckraker. He was a writer and journalist known for his passionate advocacy against social injustices and corruption in American society, particularly in his novel "The Octopus" which exposed the struggles of farmers against the railroad monopoly.

How did Lincoln steffens contribute to the progressive cause?

stevens was a journalist who exposed political corruption

Which job would a muckraker be most likely to do?

A muckraker would likely be a journalist or writer who investigates and exposes social issues or corruption in society. They often aim to bring about change by shining a light on injustice or unethical practices.