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Sinus infections can make a person miserable and often do not respond well to antibiotics. Try a simple sinus infection home remedy to ease the discomfort and encourage healing. Make a tea from dried eucalyptus leaves, dried herbal peppermint, dried chamomile, and honey to taste. Drink the tea as hot as is comfortable for you, inhaling the vapors between sips. Too much eucalyptus can cause intestinal upset, so limit this remedy to a maximum of 3-4 cups per day.

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14y ago

Put some hot water in a bowl and put some vapour rup in it. bend over the bowl, put a towl over your head to trap the steam and breathe it in.

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Q: What should you take to clear your clogged ears from sinus infection?
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How long do ears stay clogged if you have a sinus infection and go on a plane?

The time in which an individual's ears could feel clogged after being on an airplane in conjunction with having a sinus infection can vary depending upon the severity of the sinus infection as well as the altitude and duration of the flight. If the ears do not feel like they have 'popped' with 2-3 days, one should go to see their primary care physician as an antibiotic may be needed to treat the sinus infection to allow drainage.

Is clear mucus good?

Yes clear is good, it means you are healthy. If it is green/yellow that means you may have a bad cold or a sinus infection.

Should I be worried if I have a type of sinus infection?

Sinus infection symptoms include headache and pressure. You may also have ear pain. Most sinus infections are caused by viruses and will go away in 10 days. Many sinus infections are actually migraines- not sinus infections at all!

What words have the root sinus?

Some words with the root sinus include sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses), sinusoid (having a sinus-like curve), and sinusoidal (relating to a sinus).

What is good for a sinus infection?

A humidifier would easily clear up the sinus infection. I also recommend Vicks Vapo Rub (which i own no copyright to). I use that whenever i have a sinus infection. It clears me up very quickly. Drink lots of fluids, and a little unorthodox, but putting icy-hot under your nose and on your chest will also help.

What are some key sinus infection symptoms?

It is often difficult to tell the difference between allergies and a sinus infection. One way is that if the drainage is clear, it is likely allergies. If the drainage is cloudy, green, yellow or thick, you may have an infection. Other symptoms include headaches and a fever.

Can dicloxacillin be used to treat a sinus infection?

Sinus infection is due to viral, bacterial or fungal infection. Dicloxacillin can very much be prescribed to treat a sinus infection caused by staphylococcus bacteria.

What do you use if amoxicillin does not cure your sinus infection?

Amoxicillin and metronidazole are to be taken in combination for a sinus infection. If plain amoxicillin does not work, a formulation with clavulanic acid such as augmentin should be used with metronidazole.

Can you take suprax with a sinus infection?

Will suprax use for sinus infection

Can you wash your hair if you have a sinus infection?

Yes it is perfectly acceptable to wash your hair when you have a sinus infection.

Can nose bleed cause sinus infection?

Yes sinus infection causes nose bleed.

Should you get a flu shot with a sinus infection?

You have to wait until your better then you get the flu shot