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The pressure exists from the massive amount of material and weight from the layers above.

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Q: Earth's core is under great pressure due to?
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What is the earth core under great pressure?

inner core my monkey says

What are the conditions found in the outer core of earth?

The outer core is under great pressure and heat

What is under the earths core?


If iron melts at 1538 degrees and the earths core is at 5500 degrees why is it still a solid?

the 2 main variables which decide whether an element or compound is a solid, liquid, or gas, are temperature and pressure.Iron melts at 1538 degrees only when it is pure (which the core is not) and under atmospheric pressure. The iron in the earths inner core is under pressure equivalent to many thousands (if not millions) times that of atmospheric pressure, so it exists as a solid.

Why is there so much more pressure exerted on the earths core than the earths surface?

Pressure is the weight of an overlying column of material. The pressure at the core comes from 6400km of overlying rock, which is much denser than air

How Earths inner core is solid due to its?

The immense pressure from the layers outside of the inner core.

Do divergent plates go in or out?

they go in or out because of pressure from the earths core

Why do you think the iron at the earths core is partly liquid?

Heat and pressure.

What is hotter inner mantle or outer mantle?

the earths core is the hottest part of the earth. the metals in the earths outer core is liquid because of the heat and the metals in the earths core is solid but still the earths core is the hottest

Is the outer core is under low pressure?

no, it is under extreme pressure

Is earth's outer core under low pressure?

The Earth's outer core is under high pressure due to the immense weight of the overlying materials. This pressure is caused by the solid inner core and the many layers of rock and molten material above the outer core.

What is earths mantle heated by?

Earth's mantle is mainly heated by the decay of radioactive isotopes and residual heat from the formation of the planet. This heat causes convection currents in the mantle which drive plate tectonics and other geological processes.