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Q: Edgar degas is considered the founder of what style of art?
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In what style did Edgar Degas paint?

Degas painted in the impressionist style.

What art movement did Edgar degas associate with?

Edgar degas called himself a realist, but as his eyesight got worst his art style became more impressionistic.

If Edgar Degas and Andy Warhol were to get together and paint what would their art style be called?

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Edgar Degas How did the style and subjects of Degas differ from those of other impressionists?

Degas' work is much crisper than that of other impressionists; it seems to have been carried out more slowly. In contrast, impressionists like Monet and Van Gogh used quick, visible brush strokes.

What style did Mary Cassatt use?

Mary Cassatt came from The US to aris to become a painter. She got aquainted with Edgar Degas and the other impressionists. Their way of painting had an impact on her, but since only painted people, her style cannot be called purely impressionistic.Realistic pictures influenced by the impressionists.

Jacques-Louis David was an extremely influential artist in his time because he was?

Considered the founder of the baroque style that started in France. This became a very popular form of art during this time period.

How was ahmoses leadership style?

Ahmose I (1570-1546 BCE), was the founder of the 18th Dynasty in ancient Egypt and his leadership style was primarily focused on the expansion of his dynasty and he is considered one of the best kings in the history of Egypt.

When was Realism dominant?

As a movement in art Realism runs from 1845 to 1880. Characteristics that determine a Realist style can become confusing, such as Edgar Degas who was a Realist painter who created works that can not be termed Realist. Generally speaking a Realist work gives the illusion of reality and is 'truthfully' painted.

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Who is the founder of the Style for Stroke initiative?

Nick Ede!

Was Edgar Allan poe was the first American poet?

No he was not.