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The Rosetta Stone, which was a carved slab, called a stele, which was written during the reign of Ptolemy V. in 196 CE. It was discovered by the Napoleon's army in 1799 at Fort Julien, near Rashid (Rosetta), Egypt.

The writing on the stele had the same exact message written in three separate scripts (hieroglyphic, Egyptian Demotic, and Greek), and because Greek was a fully known language, it provided the key to deciphering the ancient hieroglyphic writing of Egypt.

Furthermore, all the proper names were circled in a format called a "cartouche" which made them easy to identify and decode.

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Q: Egyptian Hieroglyphics could not be read until the discovery of what object?
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Why could we not read the hieroglyphics of ancient egypt prior to the discovery of the Rosetta Stone?

Because we did not know what the symbols of the Egyptian writing system signified.

Why did Rosetta stone discovery help modern day scholars decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics?

It provided the first chance to understand Egyptian Hieroglyphics writing by providing the same text in Hieroglyphics, Demotic, and Greek. Both the Greek and Demotic could be read to find out what was being said on the stone, the Hieroglyphics could then be compared and analyzed for patterns (similar to the way codes and cyphers are broken).

What effect did the discovery of the Rosetta stone have?

It allowed Champollion to translate Egyptian hieroglyphs into ancient Greek and then from Greek into modern romance languages. The hieroglyphics could be understood for the first time in over 1,000 years.

Did ancient hieroglyphics influence English alphabet?

How could it, we havnt found out how to read hieroglyphics until the discovery of the rosetta stone. So no, it can't be.

Where could one go online to view pictures of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics?

Pictures of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics can be found online at sites that focus on the history of Egypt. They can also be found at some museums that have exhibits on Egypt.

How did the use of hieroglyphics help the egyptians builders?

The use of hieroglyphics helped Egyptian builders to communicate and organize their work. The overseer's could make lists of supplies needed and tasks that needed to be done.

Did the Rosetta stone help solve the mystery of the Egyptian calendar?

The Rosetta Stone was basically a translator from Greek to Egyptian Hieroglyphics. Most of the explorers that found ancient writing in the old days were Greek, but they could not read the Hieroglyphics. Really, no one could. But the Rosetta Stone solved all that. So you tell me :)

What was the key to the interpretation of Egyptian hieroglyphics?

The key was the so-called Rosetta Stone, which was discovered near Rashid, Egypt in 1799. The stone told of a decree by Ptolemy V in 196 BC, and the decree was written in three languages : Greek, Egyptian demotic, and hieroglyphics. It offered the first breakthrough in modern interpretation of hieroglyphic writings.The Rosetta stone was found in 1799 by a part of Napoleons' army near Alexandria, Egypt. They were about to tear down a wall in Rosetta when they found the stone. Before the stones discovery no one knew or could translate ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics. Unlike Egyptian many people knew Greek, but still it took years to translate. That is why the Rosetta stone is the key to understanding ancient Egyptian.

What languages are written on the Rosetta Stone?

The Rosetta Stone has writing on it in two languages (Egyptian and Greek), using three scripts:Egyptian hieroglyphic (at the top of the stone)Egyptian demotic (center of stone)Greek (base of stone).The Greek and Egyptian demotic assisted in the successful translation of hieroglyphics in 1822 and pop goes the weasel.The Rosetts Stone was found by a french soldier in Egypt while Napoleon Bonaparte was there. There are two languages on the Rosetta Stone: Greek and the Egyptian hieroglyphics. Because of the written Greek next to the Hieroglyphics, scholars were able to decipher the Egyptian Hieroglyphics; before the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, no one could read the Heiroglyphics.The Rosetta Stone is written in Egyptian hieroglyphs, Egyptian demotic script, and ancient Greek.

What Egyptian stone was decoded so you could understand and read hieroglyphics?

The Rosetta Stone. It contained Greek language and we know how to speak Greek.

What did the discovery of the Rosetta stone lead to?

The discovery of the Rosetta Stone lead to the people to it, approximately 1930 BC, every Canaanite, Egyptian, and the Greeks could read what the Rosetta Stone had said we couldn't necessarily read it until it was discovered i don't remember by who but when it was, we found out what it said That's what the discovery of the Rosetta Stone lead to how it is today. Additional Info: The main 'benefit' or knowledge gained by decoding the Rosetta Stone was being able to decipher hieroglyphics. Up until the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, it was assumed that hieroglyphics was a pictographic language, i.e. a picture of a bird represented the word 'bird'. However, after the discovery (and subsequent translating) of the Rosetta Stone, it was determined that hieroglyphics was a phonetic alphabet, where a picture of a bird might stand for the character "B" (that's not accurate, I'm just making an example). If you have ever used Wingdings in word before, you get the idea of what hieroglyphics are: a pictographic symbol that represents a single character.

How would you feel if you could translate hieroglyphics?

Once you learn how to read and understand ancient Egyptian, the feeling is difficult to describe, but it's a feeling of immense accomplishment.