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Q: Egyptians invented glass windows in what year?
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What year was the first window made?

The first glass window was made in the Roman times! == ==

Who invented soccer and in what year?

the ancient egyptians did and it was in 1235

Which year sand clock was invented?

Glad you asked... There is no one credited for inventing the first sand clock. You can say the first invented sand clock was actually an hour glass which was invented by either the Greeks or Roman or the Egyptians depending on who you ask

What year was glass invented?


What company supplies glass for Pella windows?

The current model year Pella windows use glass supplied and manufactured by Cardinal

When was the sand clock invented?

no body is sure in which year the sun clock was invented but we think it was invented by the greeks or roman or egyptians

In what year did Roger Bacon invent the magnifying glass?

Roger Bacon invented the Magnifying Glass in the year 1250

In what year were bunk beds invented?

the bunk bed was made in the 1400 - 1500s from the Egyptians

What year Microsoft Windows invented?

They invented it in the early 80's and it was released in November 1985.

What year did people learn alcohol is a drug?

Probably about 4,000 years ago when beer was invented by the Egyptians.

Do the windows come with the soft top on the jeep wrangler?

it depends on the year, i have an 1994 jeep wrangler and it has a soft top and plasticy windows, but now a days they have the updated, glass windows

What year where Tinted Windows invented?

3M had the very first patent for window film in 1961.