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Q: Elaborate on the reason that'' cola'' type drinks are used to make effective marinades?
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Rehab centers are effective but only as effective as the patient wants it to be. If the patient realizes the reason he/she entered for then they often leave the reason they were sent.

Do Applebees coupons work for drinks?

No they do not give coupons that can be used towards drinks. The reason is it usually involves alcohol and some states forbid it.

Why are barcodes on drinks?

For the same reason they're on just about everything - stock control.

Are sports drinks bad?

Unfortunetly, Yes, especially Poweraid and Gatoraid. Reason : Sugar.

Why cant soft drinks be drunk with meals?

There is no reason why a softdrink could not be drunk with a meal.

What is the most effective reason to be beautiful?

to show your genetic supremacy.

Why are single malts not served with soft drinks?

If a single malt is to be fully appreciated it should not be served with water, ice or soft drinks. If soft drinks are mixed in, then there is no reason to use an expensive single malt. Any cheap blend will do.

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Effective communication is one of the skills that employers rank as essential

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There are many possible solutions to barriers of effective communication. You should first diagnose the reason for the communication barrier.

A basic reason for the rise of the feudal system in Europe was the?

lack of effective central goverment

Why is effective listening so hard?

One reason is that we are so busy.We don't take the time to listen.Another reason is that many of us are visually orientated, preferring to use our eyes to listen.Listening is a skill that must me learned and used often in order to be effective.

What reason people drink soft drinks?

I wouldn't be suprised if it is because they think it tastes good. Of course it is not good for you and it is very sugary.