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Electricity is the flow if electrons. Volts is the force per charge. Amps is the speed of the electrons. A battery acts like a pump pushing around electrons already in the wires so it doesnt provide them.

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Q: Electricity is stored electrical charge electricity is the actual flow of electrons?
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Can germs travel in electricity?

No. Germs are unable to travel along electricity, as such. Electricity is simply the flow of electrical charge along a wire, and so in this sense, germs cannot 'ride' on this flow of electrons. If germs somehow were in contact with one end of an electrical current, they could not be transferred by the flow of electricity to a person at the other end. However, I suppose that the germs could be present on the actual wires that carry the electricity, and be transferred to a person via contact of this wire.

What are effects?

The effects of electricity might include the actual emission of electrons. This would include emission that causes lighting.

What are electric effects?

The effects of electricity might include the actual emission of electrons. This would include emission that causes lighting.

Is voltage nothing but a force?

No voltage is "potential" the actual force of electricity is electrostatic force (electrons to protons etc.) Voltage is just measuring how much energy there is in the system based on how many electrons will flow.

IsThere a scientific name for static electricity?

electroresister.A2. Electricity is fine. Electromotive force is measured in Volts; the actual flow of current is measured in Amperes; and the quantity of work done is the Voltage multiplied by the Amperes.An electric current is a flow of electrons.

What does one unit of electricity mean in watts?

A unit (as mentioned on the electricity bills) is represented in kWH or Kilowatt Hour. This is the actual electricity or energy used. If you use 1000 Watts or 1 Kilowatt of power for 1 hour then you consume 1 unit or 1 Kilowatt-Hour (kWH) of electricity.

Where is it possible to view comparisons of electricity costs?

If you have an online account with your electricity company, it will normally have an area specializing in showing how your home compares with others in electrical consumption. Another resource for seeing actual price rates is the Energy Star website, which is a government funded program specializing in helping consumers and businesses maximize the efficiency of their electrical consumption and providing use reduction advice.

What are useful and non-useful energy transfers in the production of electricity using coal?

Useful is the actual production of electricity. Non-useful -- unused heat energy released into the environment.

Does a generator make electricity?

A Generator consists of wiring wound around a rotating armature that is spinning between magnets that produce a magnetic field. This produces electric current by exciting the free radical electrons in the atoms that make up the wire, forcing them to move in one direction. It is identical in design to a DC motor. As a matter of fact, aircraft have a starter/generators that act as electric motors that turns the jet's engine to start them running. After the jet engine starts, it in turn rotates the starter/generator so it acts like an electric generator to produce electricity for the aircraft. Likewise, modern diesel train engines use what is called a Regenerative Braking System that incorporates generators into the process of braking, thus converting momentum into usable electricity.

How can you produce electricity in your own?

Rub your feet on a carpet for a while and then go touch someone. You just created static electricity! To produce your own electricty for actual power, you would need an electricity generator of some kind and another power source to power it with.

Why are electrical cords insulated?

Electrical cords are insulated to prevent the electricity from going from one wire to the other wire without first going through the lightbulb or electrical device. Electricity is lazy. It would rather jump from the hot wire to the neutral wire and go back to the power plant without doing any work than have to go through the light bulb and do some work. You would still have to pay the electric bill.

Does hydroelectricity create electricity only?

Yes hydroelectricty refers to electricity genrated by water somehow. Waterwheels are good examples of these generators. There are SOME other things generated such as heat through the actual act of generating hydro electricity but that is assumed in every real world situation bound by the laws of physics.