

Electricity stops when the circuit is?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Electricity stops as soon as the circuit opens.

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Q: Electricity stops when the circuit is?
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switch...this break the flow of electricity, from a circuit

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Circuit Breaker

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In a series circuit, if the current is broken the flow of all electricity stops.

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A switch is a device that stops and starts current flow in a circuit.

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"Electrical circuit". "Electrical" meaning "electricity". "Circuit" meaning "around from the start back to the starting place". If any of the materials in that circuit path are not conductors, there is no circuit. The electricity only goes that far and stops. So all materials in the circuit must be able to conduct electricity.

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no rubber stops the flow of electricity

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no rubber stops the flow of electricity

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what switches a current of electricity if it gets to high is that it overloads a system (which is called a surge (if sudden)) also if you do it manually it is the disruption in the circuit that stops the flow of electricity entirely.

Why doesn't the bulb light when one wire was loosen?

B/c electricity relies on there being a complete circuit for things to work. Break the circuit/loop, and the flow of electricity stops, and the light goes out.