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this is called an element family because the elements in the same columns in periodic tables each have similar traits and characteristics. For example, they all have the same amount of valence electrons (the number of electrons in the outer ring of an atom)

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3d ago

Elements in the same vertical column of the Periodic Table are called groups or families. They have similar chemical properties and possess the same number of valence electrons, leading to similar behavior in reactions. The vertical column number indicates the number of valence electrons for elements in that group, with the first group having 1 valence electron and the last group having 8 valence electrons, except for the transition metals.

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Q: Elements in the same vertical column of the periodic table?
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Is a group vertical column of elements on the periodic table?

Yes, it is.

What is the definition of a column in the periodic table of elements?

A vertical column is called a 'group.' A horizontal row is called a 'period,' thus the periodic table.

What is a group of elements in the periodic table?

A group in the periodic table is a column of elements that share similar chemical properties due to having the same number of electrons in their outer energy level. Groups are vertical columns and are numbered from 1 to 18.

What do the elements in the same vertical column on the periodic table belong to?

a 'family' of elements or also called a group

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Elements with similar properties are found in the same group or column on the periodic table. This is because they have the same number of valence electrons, which influences their chemical behavior. Elements in the same group tend to react in similar ways and have comparable physical properties.

What are elements in the same column of periodic table called?

All elements within a column are called a group.

What in Elements in the same vertical column on the periodic table belong to the same?

a 'family' of elements or also called a group

What is a family or group of elements?

A family or group of elements in chemistry refers to a set of elements classified together based on their similar properties and chemical behaviors. Elements in the same group often share common characteristics such as valence electron configuration and reactivity patterns. Examples include the alkali metals group (Group 1) and the halogens group (Group 17) on the periodic table.

What is a family in chemistry?

A family is a vertical column in the periodic table. Elements in a family all share similar characteristics. There are 18 families in the periodic table.

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What are families on the priodic table?

In chemistry, a group (also known as a family) is a vertical column in the periodic table of the chemical elements. There are 18 groups in the standard periodic table.

What are the vertical columns on the periodic chart called?

The vertical column in a periodic table is called "The Group" and there are 8 groups in the periodic table, I through O or VIII.They are called Groups or sometimes Families. For many the periodic table has 8 groups but when you also include the transition metals, then there are 18 groups which gives you a better understanding when you are working out the electron arrangement within the atom's structure.