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The oxidation number of lead (Pb) in the compound PbCl2 has to be what?

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Q: Elements with an oxidation number of 1 include what elements?
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Elements with an oxidation number of 1 include what?

The oxidation number of lead (Pb) in the compound PbCl2 has to be what?

What is the oxidation number of pure elements?

all the pure elements have zero oxidation state.....

What is the oxidation number for group 2 elements?

The oxidation number for group 2 elements is +2. This is because group 2 elements have 2 valence electrons, so they tend to lose these 2 electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration.

Elements that have a single oxidation number?

Elements that have a single oxidation number include group 1 elements (e.g. sodium, potassium) which have an oxidation number of +1, and group 2 elements (e.g. magnesium, calcium) which have an oxidation number of +2.

Do all elements in a group have the same oxidation numbers?

No, not all elements in a group have the same oxidation numbers. The oxidation number of an element can vary depending on the compound it is a part of and the specific chemical bonds it forms. Group trends can provide some guidance on common oxidation states, but there are exceptions.

Why do elements with a positive oxidation number easily combine with those having a negative oxidation number?

Elements with positive oxidation number easily combined with those having a negative oxidation number because opposite oxidation number attracts each other.

Why do elements with positive oxidation number easily combined with those having a negative oxidation number?

Elements with positive oxidation numbers have excess electrons that they can share or transfer with elements having negative oxidation numbers that have electron deficiencies. This transfer or sharing of electrons allows the elements to achieve a more stable electron configuration, forming compounds through the formation of ionic or covalent bonds.

What what elements most common oxidation state is 2?

Elements in group 2 mostly takes the oxidation number +II.

What elements can have variable oxidation numbers are known as known as what group of elements?

Most elements can have more than one oxidation number, but I think you are looking for the transition elements in groups 3 - 12.

The elements what determines how the compound will be formed?

The elements present in a compound determine how it will be formed based on their chemical properties, such as valence electrons, electronegativity, and reactivity. Elements will combine in specific ratios to achieve a stable configuration, following principles such as the octet rule and minimizing energy through bond formation. Factors like bond polarity, ionization energies, and electron affinity also influence how elements combine to form compounds.

Why do elements in group 2 have an oxidation number of -1?

In group 2 elements like alkaline earth metals, the common oxidation number is +2, not -1. This is because these elements tend to lose 2 electrons to achieve a stable octet configuration and form 2+ cations.

What is the oxidation number of a element?

all the pure elements have zero oxidation state.....