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This is mostly off the top of my as I'm a freshman neuroscience major so I'm in the midst of taking my first seminar in it, but if by coordination you mean regulation, it would probably be the prefrontal cortex that regulates the expression of these emotions/feelings. The actual expression of the emotions/feelings themselves comes from the more "primitive" portions of the brain which are at the bottom. These include the hypothalamus (sexual orientation, perhaps conduct), amygdala (anger/fear), and that's about all I know. I'm also assuming by bra you mean brain, but if you really mean bra I would say the emotions come from the women/girl/crossdresser wearing it.

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3d ago

The hypothalamus is the structure in the brain responsible for coordinating the autonomic nervous system (ANS), regulating sleep-wake cycles, sexual arousal, thirst, hunger, body temperature, and the production of certain hormones. It plays a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis within the body.

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Q: Emotions coordination of the ANS regulation of sleep wakefulness sexual arousal thirst hunger body temperature and production of certain hormones are all functions of what structure in the bra?
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The temperature in the scrotum is about 3F warmer than the rest of the body?

Yes, the scrotum is about 3 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the rest of the body because the testes, which are housed in the scrotum, require a slightly lower temperature for sperm production to occur efficiently. This temperature regulation is crucial for maintaining optimal sperm production and fertility in men.

How is pigment production in s marcescens controlled by temperature?

Temperature affects pigment production in Serratia marcescens by influencing the expression of the prodigiosin biosynthesis genes. Lower temperatures promote high levels of pigment production, while higher temperatures suppress its synthesis. This temperature-dependent regulation is controlled by transcriptional regulators that respond to changes in environmental temperatures.

What purposes does the production of sweat on the skin serve?

Sweat carries excess heat out of your body and when the sweat evaporates it takes that excess heat with it cooling you off.

Is metabolism an emergent property?

Yes, metabolism is considered an emergent property of living organisms. It arises from the complex interactions of various biochemical processes within cells and tissues to sustain life through energy production, growth, and repair. Metabolism reflects the overall coordination and regulation of these processes to maintain the organism's internal balance.

What are the examples of mito?

Examples of mitochondria-associated processes include cellular respiration, ATP production, apoptosis regulation, and calcium signaling within cells.

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Nervous tissue is primarily responsible for coordinating and regulating body functions. This tissue includes neurons that transmit signals throughout the body to control various processes such as movement, sensation, and organ function. Additionally, neuroglia cells provide support and insulation for neurons.

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