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Cali California

Lvl 2
2y ago

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smooth; protective outer structure

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Cali California

Lvl 2
2y ago
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Q: Enamel
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Related questions

Which component of the teeth is the hardest substance in the human body?

The hardest substance in our body is enamel which is the outer most covering of the teeth

Too much fluoride can result in?

fluoride toxicity, enamel hypoplasia, fluorosis, and mottled enamel

What do you call the white covering of the tooth?

It is called the enamel. It's the most external layer of a tooth and the hardest substance in the body.

The outside of your tooth is called enamel?

it is called enamel. so the answer is true It is called enamel

What element is needed for strong enamel?

Tooth enamel, calcium. Nail enamel, Biotin.

Do dogs have an enamel?

The thickness of the enamel of dogs was measured in the teeth of the animal. The enamel was found to be thinner than that of human teeth, varying in thickness from 0.1mm-1mm. The "enamel bulge" coronal to the cemento-enamel junction does not consist of a thickened area of enamel.

Is enamel stronger or hair?

Enamel is stronger than hair. Enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, providing protection to the teeth from wear and decay. Hair is made of keratin, a protein that is not as hard as enamel.

How do you say enamel in french?

Enamel in French is "émail."

Is tooth enamel and paint enamel the same?


Hypocalcified structures of dentin?

Enamel tufts Enamel spindles Enamel lamellae Striae of Retzius Neonatal lines

What is the difference between enamel lamella and crack?

Enamel lamellae are defects in tooth enamel that result from incomplete mineralization, while cracks in enamel are actual fractures in the enamel surface that can extend into deeper layers. Enamel lamellae are usually superficial and do not necessarily compromise the structural integrity of the tooth, whereas cracks can weaken the enamel and potentially lead to tooth sensitivity or decay.

Can you paint over enamel with latex?

you can paint over latex paint with latex enamel.