

Endings -ite and -ate

Updated: 12/7/2022
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Q: Endings -ite and -ate
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What are the usual endings for the names of polyatomic ions?

The names of most polyatomic ions end in -ite or -ate.

Halides oxides and sulfates are examples of?

They are examples of anions. Atoms or compounds with the ide ending are anions as are those with endings of ite or ate.

What is the significance of suffix 'ite' in nitrite and 'ate' in nitrate ions?

The "ite" vs. "ate" in ions refers to the number of oxygens in the ion. ex: Nitrate = NO3- Nitrite = NO2- It follows the system of: per....ate (add one oxygen to ate) ate (3 or 4 oxygens, depending on the ion, this is usually the "base") ite (subtract one oxygen from ate) hypo....ite (subract two oxygens from ate

How can you tell if potassium sulfur is sulfite or sulfate?

K2S is potassium sulfide K2SO3 is potassium sulfite K2SO4 is potassium sulfate. In an ionic compound, the endings -ite and -ate indicate a negative ion that contains oxygen, with -ate indication more oxygen than -ite. The ending -ide usually indicates an oxygen-free ion with the exception of oxide and its variants.

What is the difference between ite ate and ide at the end of a ion?

-Ite at the end of an ion means that the compound has 2 oxygen and -ate means there is 3 oxygen.

What does the suffixes -ate -ite and -ide mean in chemistry?

ite= less oxygen ate= i dont know' ide= negative See the interesting link bellow !

What does an -ite or -ate ending in a polyatomic ion mean?

The -ite or -ate ending in a polyatomic ion is simply an indication of the amount of oxygen atoms present. The -are ending is used in the base form. If the polyatomic ion has one less oxygen atom than the -ate form, the -ite form applies.

What does a ite or ate ending in a polyatomic ion mean?

The -ite or -ate ending in a polyatomic ion is simply an indication of the amount of oxygen atoms present. The -are ending is used in the base form. If the polyatomic ion has one less oxygen atom than the -ate form, the -ite form applies.

What are the usual ending for the names of polyatomic ion?

ite or ate

What ending is added to anion in a binary ionic compound?

Examples are for English: -ide, -ate, -ite.

What does the name of the binary compound ends with?

It will be an ide ite or ate ex: chlorIDE sulfITE carbonATE

Is bicarbonate considered a cation or anion?

Bicarbonate is an anion. Ions ending in -ate, -ite, or -ide are anions.