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For energy problems like this the following equation is used:

E = m*c*(T2-T1) where

E is the energy amount added

m is the mass of the thing being heated

c is the specific heat of the object being heated

T2 is the temperature after the heat

T1 is the temperature before the heat is added.

If you're not familiar c, the specific heat of a substance is a property which is a measure of how much heat is required to heat 1 gram of the substance by 1 degree Celsius. For water it is 1.0 cal/g/C. Since there are 4.186J per calorie you could also use c=4.186 J/g/C.

You can rearrange the above equation to solve for T2:

T2 = T1 + E/(m*c) = 10C + (420J)/((35g)*(4.186J/g/C)) = 13 C

I hope this helps

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2w ago

To find the final temperature of the water, we can use the equation: ( Q = mcΔT ), where ( Q ) is the energy added, ( m ) is the mass of water, ( c ) is the specific heat capacity of water, and ( ΔT ) is the change in temperature. Rearranging the formula to solve for ( ΔT ), we have ( ΔT = \frac{Q}{mc} ). Therefore, ( ΔT = \frac{420}{(35g)(4.18 J/g°C)} ≈ 3.58°C ). Finally, the final temperature is the initial temperature plus the change in temperature: ( T_f = 10.0°C + 3.58°C ≈ 13.58°C ).

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Q: Energy in the amount of 420 J is added to a 35 g sample of water at a temperature of 10.0 C What is the final temperature of the water?
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When 5.10 kJ of heat energy is added to a 430 g sample of silver?

When 5.10 kJ of heat energy is added to a 430 g sample of silver, it will raise the temperature of the silver according to its specific heat capacity. The specific heat capacity of silver is 0.24 J/g°C, so you can calculate the temperature change using the formula Q = mcΔT, where Q is the heat energy added, m is the mass of the sample, c is the specific heat capacity, and ΔT is the temperature change.

What happens when energy is added to a sample of ice at 0 C?

When energy is added to a sample of ice at 0°C, the ice absorbs the energy and undergoes a phase change from solid to liquid. This process is known as melting. The temperature remains constant until all the ice has melted into water, at which point the temperature of the water will begin to rise.

The size of a temperature increase in a substance depends primarily on?

The size of a temperature increase in a substance primarily depends on the amount of heat energy added to the substance and its specific heat capacity. The specific heat capacity determines how much energy is needed to raise the temperature of a substance by a certain amount.

Why does the temperature rise as heat is being added when only one phase exists?

When heat is added to a system with only one phase present, the temperature rises because the added heat increases the kinetic energy of the particles within that phase. This increase in kinetic energy leads to an increase in temperature, as temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance.

What happens during a phase change as heat is added to a water sample?

During a phase change as heat is added to a water sample, the temperature remains constant as the added heat is used to break intermolecular bonds rather than increase the kinetic energy of the molecules. For example, when ice melts, the added heat breaks the hydrogen bonds holding the water molecules in a fixed lattice, allowing them to flow and form liquid water.

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As energy is added and temperature increases, molecules gain kinetic energy and move more rapidly. This increase in movement can lead to stronger molecular interactions, changes in molecular configuration, and ultimately a change in the state of matter (e.g., from solid to liquid or gas).

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The change in temperature of a material due to heat energy depends on the specific heat capacity of the material. Different materials have different specific heat capacities, which determine how much heat energy is needed to raise their temperature by a certain amount.

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When 5.10 kJ of heat energy is added to a 430 g sample of silver, it will raise the temperature of the silver according to its specific heat capacity. The specific heat capacity of silver is 0.24 J/g°C, so you can calculate the temperature change using the formula Q = mcΔT, where Q is the heat energy added, m is the mass of the sample, c is the specific heat capacity, and ΔT is the temperature change.

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No, thermal energy is entirely energy added for heat.

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When energy is added to a sample of ice at 0°C, the ice absorbs the energy and undergoes a phase change from solid to liquid. This process is known as melting. The temperature remains constant until all the ice has melted into water, at which point the temperature of the water will begin to rise.

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How is heating related to a substance's temperature?

As an object is heated, the rate of increase in temperature is proportional to the rate of heat added. The proportionality is called the heat capacity. Because the heat capacity is actually a function of temperature in real materials, the total amount of energy added will be equal to the integral of the heat capacity function over the interval from the initial temperature to the final temperature. If you just assume an average heat capacity over the temperature range, then the rise in temperature will be exactly proportional to the amount of heat added.

How is heating related to a substance?

As an object is heated, the rate of increase in temperature is proportional to the rate of heat added. The proportionality is called the heat capacity. Because the heat capacity is actually a function of temperature in real materials, the total amount of energy added will be equal to the integral of the heat capacity function over the interval from the initial temperature to the final temperature. If you just assume an average heat capacity over the temperature range, then the rise in temperature will be exactly proportional to the amount of heat added.

What happens if energy is added to or remove from a glass of water?

If a sufficient amount of energy is added to a glass of ice water, the ice will melt, and if a sufficient amount of energy is removed, the water will freeze solid.

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The temperature of the solid ice increases until it reaches its melting point, at which point it starts to melt into liquid water. During this phase change, the temperature remains constant until all the ice has melted.