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During respiration some energy is lost as heat. This best describes the second law of thermodynamics, which states that "Some useful energy is lost as heat whenever an energy transfer occurs".

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When energy is converted from one form to another, some of it is lost as waste heat. This is due to inefficiencies in the conversion process, such as friction, resistance, and other factors that lead to the dissipation of some energy in the form of heat.

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Almost always, part of the energy is wasted into some undesired form of energy. Quite often, a large amount of that wasted energy is in the form of heat.

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Some energy is converted to heat, light or sound and is dissipated.

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Q: When energy is converted from one form to another some is lost as what?
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When energy is converted from one form to another form in the body which energy is lost?

Some energy is lost as heat when it is converted from one form to another in the body. This is due to the inefficiencies in energy conversion processes, such as metabolism and muscle contractions.

In what form is energy usually lost when it is being converted from one form to another?

Energy is typically lost as heat when it is being converted from one form to another, due to inefficiencies in the conversion process. This is known as the second law of thermodynamics.

Is usable energy lost each time energy is converted to another form of energy?

Yes, usable energy is lost each time energy is converted into another form due to inefficiencies in the conversion process. This loss is typically in the form of heat, sound, or other forms of energy that are not useful for performing work.

When one form of energy is converted to another some of the original energy is always converted into which type of energy?

When energy is converted from one form to another, some of the original energy is always converted into heat energy. This is due to inefficiencies in the conversion process, resulting in some energy being lost as heat.

When heat is converted to another form of energy there is loss of energy?

Yes, when heat is converted to another form of energy, such as mechanical energy or electrical energy, there is always some loss of energy in the form of heat due to inefficiencies in the conversion process. This is known as the second law of thermodynamics, which states that some energy is always lost in the form of heat when energy is converted from one form to another.

Related questions

When energy is converted from one form to another form in the body which energy is lost?

Some energy is lost as heat when it is converted from one form to another in the body. This is due to the inefficiencies in energy conversion processes, such as metabolism and muscle contractions.

When energy is converted from one form to another what is the lost energy called?

The lost energy is called waste or dissipated energy. It is energy that is not used to perform useful work and is usually released in the form of heat.

Is usable energy lost each time energy is converted to another form of energy?

Yes, usable energy is lost each time energy is converted into another form due to inefficiencies in the conversion process. This loss is typically in the form of heat, sound, or other forms of energy that are not useful for performing work.

What if one form of energy is converted into another there is always some energy lost as?

When one form of energy is converted into another, some energy is lost as heat due to inefficiencies in the conversion process. This is known as the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed. The lost energy typically dissipates into the surroundings, making the total amount of energy in a closed system remain constant.

In what form is energy usually lost when it is being converted from one form to another?

Energy is typically lost as heat when it is being converted from one form to another, due to inefficiencies in the conversion process. This is known as the second law of thermodynamics.

Energy that is lost to heat has merely been converted to another form not lost forever?


Can energy be converted from one form into another?

Yes, energy can be converted from one form to another through various processes. For example, potential energy can be converted to kinetic energy, electrical energy can be converted to light energy, and chemical energy can be converted to heat energy. Such conversions are a fundamental principle of physics known as the law of conservation of energy.

Where does the lost energy go?

energy is never lost. It is either converted from one form of energy to another (from heat to mechanical, from mechanical to electric, from electric to heat).

Where does the energy go?

energy is never lost. It is either converted from one form of energy to another (from heat to mechanical, from mechanical to electric, from electric to heat).

When heat is converted to another form of energy there is loss of energy?

Yes, when heat is converted to another form of energy, such as mechanical energy or electrical energy, there is always some loss of energy in the form of heat due to inefficiencies in the conversion process. This is known as the second law of thermodynamics, which states that some energy is always lost in the form of heat when energy is converted from one form to another.

When a moving object hits another can energy be lost?

No energy is lost in such a collision, although kinetic energy is converted into thermal and possibly into potential energy.

When one form of energy is converted to one another form of energy is energy lost or gained?

Energy is neither created nor destroyed, according to the law of conservation of energy. Therefore, when one form of energy is converted into another form, no energy is lost or gained in the process. The total amount of energy remains constant.