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Sounds like the title of a Michael Moore film.

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Q: Environmental degradation and oil spillage an indictment to human and environmental law?
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What is the effect of the spillage of oil during the gulf war?

The Gulf War of 1991 had a minimal environmental effect until Saddam Hussein's retreating Iraqi army began to torch Kuwaiti Oil Wells. This led to large fires and petroleum issues in Kuwait that had to be cleaned up.

When spillage occurs?

Spillage" occurs when

What should you do if spillage of classified information occurs?

Report the spillage to your security POC.

How is information spillage prevented?

Information spillage can be prevented by:

What is to be done in case of spillage?

we have built a plug just in case of a spillage

What is biological spillage?

It is the spillage of body fluids for example blood , urine or faeces ..

What should you do if a spillage of classified info occurs what should you do?

B. Report the spillage to your security POC.

What rhymes with spillage?


What is the link between respiration and food spillage?

the link between respiration and food spillage is that you need to do a poo that helps

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In cyber awareness what is spillage?


why are we to report all accident.breckages and spillage to our teachers imediately?

An accident in a workplace or venue could happen for many reasons, and, at the time of the incident, the factor or multiple factors which caused the accident might not be immediately evident. Reporting an accident enables an investigation to take place into the cause of the accident. The aim of this investigation will be to find out the root cause of the accident. The environmental factors and circumstances present at the time of the accident will be taken into account, allowing investigators to discover any underlying problems.