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Much of Florida's economy depends on Tourists. Many of the tourists come to the Gulf Coasts of Florida to enjoy the beautiful white sand beaches. They are the most beautiful beaches in the world, or at least that is what their literature says. If only one oil well blew out and covered that beautiful beach with oil, it would ruin a large portion of Florida's economy. Since Florida has nearly a million people involved in the tourist trade, they do not want to drill for off shore oil and take the risk of destroying the jobs of a million people.

Can you imagine if you sold white wedding gowns and a lot of people covered with Greece decided it would be nice if they could take a shortcut through your shop? No one would buy a Greece covered wedding dress. No one would use an oil covered beach. Customers would go other places.

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Q: Environmentalists in Florida are against offshore drilling in the gulf of Mexico mainly because the drilling might?
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From the point of view of an environmentalist which is probably the most significant argument against offshore drilling for oil?

The possible harm to the balance of nature is more important than a gain in energy

What is a good arguments for offshore oil drilling for oil?

Well, most arguments against it are based on the environmental impacts as well as the potential of offshore drilling to discourage alternative energy. However, if drilling standards (including site planning, construction, resource retrieval and clean-up response) are made to be environmentally conscious (how much so? the difficulity is in the details) then offshore drilling is not necessarily bad. Due to growing energy demands, alternative energy is still an area of great research and experimentation of which we are beginning to implement in our infrastructure and society. Although some discourage alternative energy in lieu of oil drilling due to political reasons (and vice-versa), there is room for both energy methods to be implemented succesfully. Well, most arguments against it are based on the environmental impacts as well as the potential of offshore drilling to discourage alternative energy. However, if drilling standards (including site planning, construction, resource retrieval and clean-up response) are made to be environmentally conscious (how much so? the difficulity is in the details) then offshore drilling is not necessarily bad. Due to growing energy demands, alternative energy is still an area of great research and experimentation of which we are beginning to implement in our infrastructure and society. Although some discourage alternative energy in lieu of oil drilling due to political reasons (and vice-versa), there is room for both energy methods to be implemented succesfully.

Why are people against oil drilling?

because the nation wide has a clear majority of norwegains against oil drilling

Why should oil be banned?

Im against offshore drilling and proenviornment but oil should not be banned at least until we have an alternate source that can do everything that oil does and cost less. Modern technology could not exist with out oil. no one is even considering banningoil it is an unreasonable idea.Why should offshore drilling be banned? Well, should smoking be banned? Should dogs be banned? Banning a product NEVER does any good. Look at prohibition. Many were killed. If we ban oil there'll be rioting in the streets

What are some pros for offshore drilling?

There will be way more fuel on hand... more fuel... less $ at the pumpThere will be much less dependency on foreign countries (that we finance so they can buy weapons to use against us)Less conflicts about trade and money in the Middle East.

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Air and water pollution

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bcz we shud save nature ,silent valley etc

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IM A farmer and i thinkwind farms are good as long as they are away from me and all of myanimalllsss/.

Why are people against oil?

because the nation wide has a clear majority of norwegains against oil drilling

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