

Equation of the curve in space?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: Equation of the curve in space?
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What is a Zariski space?

A Zariski space is another name for a Zariski-Riemann space - a locally ringed space of a subring of a field K, whose points are valuation rings containing k and contained in K, which generalize the Riemann surface of a complex curve.

Why do things in space stay in space?

Things that 'stay' in space are in orbit round something. This means that they are actually falling!For instance if you throw a ball up it will fall back down. Now throw it up and away from you, it will go up and then come down but its path is a curve. The harder/faster you throw it the longer that curve.If it were possible to remove the air from around Earth (which slows things down) and you could throw something fast enough, then the curve of its path would match the curve of the earth, when this happens the object you throw will orbit the Earth - it will stay up!On Earth (in its atmosphere) you can never get something into orbit because the air slows the thing you throw down, which is why you have to launch the object up outside the atmosphere (into space) to get it to orbit. The launch rocket first goes UP then tilts over to accelerate the space ship to go round the Earth fast enough for it to stay in space.The space ship stays in space BY FALLING but CONTINUOUSLY MISSING the earth as to falls due to its forward momentum.

Light from the sun travels through space to the earths atmosphere What will light waves do when they move from empty space into matter made up of different gases?

They will slow down slightly compared to their speed in vacuum, they will bend slightly as they enter the atmosphere, and they will follow a path through it that continues to curve slightly.

Why are wind appear to curve?

the curve because the power of the wind is making it move in a curved path

What makes global winds curve?

Coriolis force causes global winds to curve. As winds move north or south, they are deflected due to the rotation of the Earth. They curve to the west.

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What is the set of an equation in two variables in the set of all points in a coordinate plane that represent all the solutions of the equation?

To graph the set of all the solutions to an equation in two variables, means to draw a curve on a plane, such that each solution to the equation is a point on the curve, and each point on the curve is a solution to the equation. The simplest curve is a straight line.

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This is what Bernoulli spent most of his later years on. Take two points in space, A and B. What is the equation of the connecting curve that minimizes the time it would take for a ball to roll or slide on that curve from A to B.

How do you solve a quadratic equation graphically?

The roots of the quadratic equation are the x-intercepts of the curve.

Is space is really curve?

The sir of astronomy said that space is curve but how that is possible according to me space can not curve if space is the form of curve than all galleries ,plants ,stars, and everything which belong to universe will be move in the same way but there are moving in special curve path . The curve path be may because of different forces which make them make is a curve path. The forces are well know my as . But on curve path I have a example suppose that you are moving on a path the path is curve you are moving in a straight line with any speed but it appear to as that we are moving in a curve path. in reality we are moving in straight line. same condition of earth which are moving in a curve due to same special forces not in a curve space. Now we know very wall that the curve path is due to same special forces which force any body to move in a curve path . In short the curve is due to same force , it is not mean that space is curve. If so than the shape of space is like Imagine the image

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What is mean by hyperbola?

A hyperbola is a conic section. It is a curve in 2-dimensional space whose equation is of the form (x - a)*(y - b) = c where a, b and c are constants. The curve is asymptotic at the points x = a and y = b. See link for more.

How the slope of a curved line at a point can be found?

The slope of a curved line at a point is the slope of the tangent to the curve at that point. If you know the equation of the curve and the curve is well behaved, you can find the derivative of the equation of the curve. The value of the derivative, at the point in question, is the slope of the curved line at that point.

The solution of an equation with two variables x and y is?

It can comprise all the points of a curve (including a line) in 2-dimensional space. There are only a few, exceptional, cases when one equation in two variables will give a single point as a solution.

What is an acnode?

An acnode is an isolated point which isn't on a curve, but whose co-ordinates satisfy the equation of the curve so that it would belong to the curve if extended.

What are curv...?

A curve is like a line segment, but not straight. Theoretically, "curved lines", is an incorrect terminology, as curve is never straight and a line is always straight. Mathematically a curve can be defined by a simple equation: γ : I → X where, I = Real number interval X = Topological space simply put, it's a line which is bent. Cheers!

What are curved lines?

A curve is like a line segment, but not straight. Theoretically, "curved lines", is an incorrect terminology, as curve is never straight and a line is always straight. Mathematically a curve can be defined by a simple equation: γ : I → X where, I = Real number interval X = Topological space simply put, it's a line which is bent. Cheers!

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the hip bones curve out because the women need the space for the baby... its a female thing the hip bones curve out because the women need the space for the baby... its a female thing