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Q: Eugenia aromatica is the latin name for which herbal medicine?
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What is a bulletwood?

A bulletwood is a tropical hardwood tree, Latin name Manilkara bidentata, grown commercially in Puerto Rico, or a flowering tree, Latin name Mimusops elengi, whose flowers are used in Thai herbal medicine.

What is the latin word for medicine?

The Latin word for medicine is medicámentum,if for the chest it is called narthécium.

What is the latin word for drug?

The Latin word for "drug" (as in "medicine") is medicina.

What is the Latin name of Damiana?

Turnera aphrodisiaca and Turnera diffusa of the Turneraceae plant family are the two species used in herbal healing.

What is curanderismo?

Curanderismo is a traditional healing practice found in Latin American cultures, often involving a combination of herbal remedies, spiritual rituals, and energy work to address physical, mental, and spiritual ailments. Curanderos or curanderas are the healers who practice curanderismo and are highly respected members of their communities. The practice is rooted in indigenous beliefs and has been passed down through generations.

What Latin words from the Romans do you still use today?

Many words used in law, medicine, science and theology are Latin.

In what areas does Roman influence through Latin is reflected in modern English words?

Latin is used in law, medicine, and religion.

What jobs need latin?

Medicine, Law, Nursing, Jobs that include Science

What does medicine mean in latin?

Literally, "the art of medicine" is ars medicinae, but the translation ars medica ("the medical art") is probably more idiomatic.

Why are Greek and Latin words used in medicine?

Because Western medicine has it roots in Greek & Roman antiquity's medicinal writings. The Hippocratic oath for instance is still referred to in the ethical practise of medicine. The majority of sciences and to a large extent vernaculars of the English language borrow from Latin/Greek words.

Why do you think many of the terms we use in medicine were derived from the greek and latin languages?

Because for centuries Greek and Latin were considered the languages of science.

What does AMD after a doctors name mean?

Artis Medicinae Doctor (Latin: Doctor of Medicine)