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Q: Every tone against slavery and a Drayer to god for deliverance from chains?
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Who said Every tone was a testimony against slavery and a Drayer to God for deliverance from chains?


Should Peace be worth the price of chains and slavery?

No, peace should never come at the cost of chains and slavery. True peace is achieved through mutual respect, understanding, and equality among all individuals. Slavery and oppression are fundamentally incompatible with peace.

What does purchased at the price of chains and slavery mean?

Life and peace.

What is a good title for reports on slavery?

"Unveiling the Chains: A Study on Modern-Day Slavery"

What happens when chains rub against metal?


What was the central historical significance of chains by Laurie Halse Anderson?

Slavery and what is was like to be a slave in the 1700s.

Can a nation be free which allows slavery?

Of course not. Slavery and freedom cannot coexist. No nation can be anywhere close to "free" as long a slavery is allowed within it's borders. Free citizens of any country that allows slavery are bound to it as surely as if they were in chains themselves.

What are some differences in todays slavery then 17th century slavery?

Today's slavery often involves hidden and clandestine practices, such as forced labor in supply chains or human trafficking, making it harder to detect. In the 17th century, slavery was openly practiced and legally sanctioned. Additionally, there are more international laws and organizations today fighting against slavery, although it still persists in various forms.

Was the first statue of liberty a black women?

Yes it was The face was changed after the United States complained about race of the statue. She had chains on her arms to represent slavery. The statue repersented slavery at first.

How do white Southerners create a new slavery without chains?

White Southerners could create a new form of slavery without physical chains by perpetuating systemic racism through policies, practices, and attitudes that disproportionately harm and oppress marginalized groups, especially non-white individuals. This can be achieved through laws that target and disenfranchise certain communities, economic exploitation, perpetuating stereotypes to justify discriminatory behavior, and maintaining a power dynamic that perpetuates inequality and keeps marginalized groups subjugated in various aspects of society.

Why are chains made out of metal?

Because chains are nothing but moving parts, and metals can take a lot of rubbing up against other parts without wearing out.

What happen to the africans when they came to Unite state?

the African people were brought to the USA in chains, so it is fair to say they were sold into slavery.