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Q: Every us state has had a hurricane at some time or another true of false?
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True of false Minnesota has more shoreline than any other state in the Union?

True: With more than 144,500 kilometers of shoreline, Minnesota has more shoreline than the states of California, Florida and Hawaii COMBINED!

What is the difference between DFA and NFA?

DFA stands for Deterministic Finite Automaton NFA stands for Non-Deterministic Finite AutomatonWhen processing a string in a DFA, there is always a unique state to go next when each character is read. It is because for each state in DFA, there is exactly one state that corresponds to eachcharacter being read.In an NFA, several choices (or no choice) may exist for the next state•Can move to more than 1 states, or nowhere•Can move to a state without reading anything1. The transition function for nfa ie delta is multi valued where as for dfa it is single valued.2. Checking membership is easy with dfa where as it is difficult for nfa3. Construction of nfa is very easy where as for dfa it is difficult4. Space required for dfa is more where for nfa it is less5. Backtracking is allowed in dfa,but it is not possible in every casi in nfa.6. For every input and output we can constuct dfa machine,but it is not possible to construct an nfa machine for every input and output.7. There is only 1 final state in nfa but there can be more then 1 final state in dfa.A finite automata, in which after consuming an input symbol, automata makes it's transition to only one state, is called as the deterministic finite automata or DFA. p(current state)----->input symbol------> state q(next state)A finite automata, in which after consuming an input symbol, automata can make it's transition more one state, is called as the nondeterministic finite automata or NFA.p(current state)----->input symbol------> state q(first guessing)--->state r( next guessing)i.e. a nfa can guess the next states and if any guess proves to be right later than it get stuck and continue with other guesses.

What is direct metaphor?

it is a comparison to two things with out using "like" or "as" that "directly states something is another such as " All the world's a stage" it uses the word is to directly state that the world is a stage.

Differences between NFA and DFA and Compare their powers as a token recogniser?

1. Every state of DFA always has exactly one exiting transition arrow for each symbol in the alphabet. In NFA a state may have zero, one or many exiting arrow for each alphabet. 2. NFA can use empty string transition but DFA can not use it.

What is the difference between sequence diagram and state diagram?

State diagram represents behavior without noting the classes involved whereas sequence diagram represents behavior, by describing how classes move from state to state