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Peko Fake

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Q: Everyday because you need to clean the feed the dog?
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Use the word pigpen in a sentence?

Be sure to lock the pigpen after you feed the pigs. You need to clean that room of yours because it resembles a pigpen.

Do you have to feed toddler or can they feed themself?

yes and no because some baby cant because they need feeding from milk and toddlers sometimes can feed themselves and sometimes they need a hand to get feed

How often it must a rat be fed?

Everyday, of course! Just like humans need fuel for their bodies everyday, rats do too. It's also important to make sure you thoroughly clean out their feed dish before adding new food, as faeces may be left over. Don't forget to refill their water bowl/bottle daily and clean their cage every 6-8 days.

Why do you need to clean your horses equipment everyday?

You need to clean your horses equipment everyday to keep the equipment from rotting and breaking. It also helps to keep the horse comfortable when it has clean equipment to use. For tack that comes in contact with the horses skin it should be wiped down daily and deep cleaned at least once a week.

Why don't plants need us to feed them?

Plants don't need us to feed them because they are producers

Will a hamster die if you forget to play with it will it die?

Hamster do not need to be played with everyday, remember Hamsters get tired as well! If you are forgetting to clean, feed, and care for your Hamster yes it could die or get a disease. If this happens it would be best to get your animal doctor for some help.

What to feed your conch?

Most of them are eat detritus and are omnivores so you don't need to feed it anything. Just let it clean you tank and eat what the fish don't get.

Why talking is basic need?

Because we need it in our everyday life like food and shelter

How much should I feed my dead dog?

you don't need to feed it because it is dead.the one you just need to do is buried it

Why do you need to clean after you play?

You need to clean after you play, because your mom isn't your slave and it shows you respect her and your household..

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because it is important in everyday life

Do you really need to feed your moshlings?

No because you only need to feed your monster your monster is the only one you need to worry about on moshi monsters... Your moshlings dont need to worry about.