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20/20 did a little test with men of various heights. They had a man that was only 5' 2'' in the line up. Women consistently said they would not consider him suitable mate material, even when 20/20's people said he was a doctor with some wealth. Women consistently, on average, mate with men about 2'' taller than they are. Height, when environmental conditions are controlled ( read food ) is a polygenic trait under influence of 5 to 7 genes. Natural selection, over time, has favored women who have a taller man in mind as a mate.

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Q: Example how natural selection favors mating behaviors that have a genetic basis.?
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How does genetic variation support Natural Selection?

Genetic variation in itself does not 'support' natural selection: it is what natural selection acts upon.

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Is Natural selection a source of genetic variation in a population?

No, natural selection works on that genetic variation presented to it.

What are genetic mutation and natural selection?

Together, genetic mutation and natural selection determine in what 'direction' evolution proceeds.

How is genetic diversity important to the concept of natural selection?

Without genetic diversity, natural selection cannot occur

Is it possible for a population to undergo natural selection?

No, there is no genetic variation upon which natural selection can operate.

What id genetic variation?

Genetic Variation is a measure of the genetic differences there are within populations or species. For example, a population with many different alleles at a locus may be said to have a lot of genetic variation at that locus. Genetic variation is essential for natural selection to operate since natural selection can only increase or decrease frequency of alleles already in the population

Which type of selection tends to increase genetic variation?

Natural Selection.

What characteristic within populations cause natural selection to occur?

Genetic variation. If there were no variation in the genes/phenotype then natural selection would have nothing to select from.

What is the main difference between natural selection and genetic drift?

The main difference to remember is that natural selection is a nonrandom process while genetic drift is a random process.

Was it absolutely necessary for natural selection to take place?

Genetic change is necessary for natural selection to take place