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Mike Attia

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9h ago

People who have experienced lightning strikes include individuals who have been outdoors during a storm, athletes participating in outdoor activities, and individuals working in professions where they are exposed to the elements, such as construction workers or farmers. These experiences can result in injuries ranging from minor burns to cardiac arrest.

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What are the positive effects of lightning to humans?

While lightning can be dangerous, it does have some positive effects to humans. For example, some people find lightning exciting or aesthetically pleasing.

Is lightning is an example of an electric field or discharge?

lightning is an example of discharge

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People who have expirienced alot of emotional stress. or have a family history of mental illness. But everyone is

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Lightning is an example of static electricity, which is generated by the build-up and discharge of electrical charges between clouds and the ground.

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The adjective for lightning is "lightning." For example, you could say "a lightning storm" or "the lightning bolt."

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the term is usually expirienced in walking or running

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People don't have lightning supper powers

What is the lightning an example of?

Static electricity

Is lightning is an example of static electricity true or false?

True. Lightning is a natural example of static electricity, which occurs when there is a build-up of electrical charge in the atmosphere that discharges in the form of a lightning bolt.

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LA piercing on 3rd street are good people. They are clean, expirienced and nice. They make you feel comfortable.

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What is lightning an example?

Your question makes no sense!