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Q: Explain how a plant can cause a rock to weather?
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How can a plant can cause a rock to weather?

Rocks can be weathered by there roots growing through it causing it to split

How can a plant cause a weather rock?

the sediments they'll leave their traces behind once the lava melts and turns them into rocks

How a plant can cause a rock weather?

the sediments they'll leave their traces behind once the lava melts and turns them into rocks

What weather cause a Igneous rock to form?

igneos rock is formed when magma cools.not by weather

Explain how tree roots can weather rock?

I am sorry but this answer is a hard one!

Why does a bigger rock take longer to weather?

be cause a smaller rock has more volume

How do plants mechanically or physically weather rocks?

Plant root growth can cause cracks in rock to further expand, making them more vulnerable to frost expansion and chemical attack.

How water can cause rocks to weather?

They make the rock fly to space

What body of water can cause a rock to weather?

he constant movement of water anywhere causes rocks to erode and weather.

Explain how ice-wedging can weather a rock?

When a piece of ice is wedged into a rock, it expands (because water expands when it freezes). As the ice expands, cracks are formed in the rock.

How do plants affect earths landform?

the plants roots sink into the rock and cracks the rock.

What can cause rock to weather?

by wind,rain,ice,chemical actions,plants,etc.