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When you speak, your friend's ear gathers compressional waves, which are sound waves. Then, the ear amplifies the waves, converting them to nerve impulses that travel to the brain. And then, the brain decodes and interprets the nerve impulses.

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Q: Explain how sound travels from your vocal cords to your friends ear when you talk?
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How sound travels from your vocal cords to your friends ear when you talk?

When you speak, your friend's ear gathers compressional waves, which are sound waves. Then, the ear amplifies the waves, converting them to nerve impulses that travel to the brain. And then, the brain decodes and interprets the nerve impulses.

Explain how sound travels?

Sound travels in waves called sound waves and they look like this )))))))))))))))))))))) except they are invisible

Explain why sound travels quickest through a solid?

This is due to the particles and the density of the the object

Why do you hear tunder sound after lightning explain?

because sound travels slower than light, the you are to the lightning the sooner you hear the thunder..

How does sound travels in a solid explain?

Sound is a series of vibrations. In a solid they travel in waves from particle to particle, causing the solid to make a noise.

How does sound travel in solid liquid and in gas . explain?

Sound travels by particles (such as atoms or molecules) bumping into other particles, thus transferring the energy, in form of a sound.

Sound travels as a what?

Sound travels as a wave.

Why giraffes makes no sound?

Giraffes have no vocal cords, hence they do not make any sound.

What is produced when air moves over the vocal cords?

Sound is produced. Vocal cords vibrate and produce sound.

Which sound travels faster the birdschirping or the whales siging explain how you decided?

A whale's song travels faster than a bird's chirp. This is because a whale's song travels through water, where sound moves much faster than it does in air.

Do female frogs have vocal cords?

they don't sing like male frogs do if that's what you're asking

Explain why thunder is heard after the lightning is seen?

Thunder is sound- it travels at the speed of sound- about 1100 feet per second. Lightning is light- it travels at the speed of light- about 186,000 miles a second. The light is faster, gets there first.