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Cardiac muscle is a combination of conscious and unconscious, and muscles need food in performing its functions. Role of blood vessels that are the heart of delivering the food required to sustain life.

On the basis of the blood vessels that serve targeted others in our body also must work well without any obstacle that caused the materials he brought eg, cholesterol, salt, excessive uric acid in the body, which in turn would also be channeled into the blood vessels in the heart, which of course would be bad for the heart of the work function itself.

Supposing that contains a lot of blood cholesterol can accumulate in blood vessels of heart and will clog the blood flow there and then inhibit oxygen supply and other materials needed for the life of the heart muscle itself.

Based on the above then we must ensure our veins actually be healthy and function properly through a variety of ways with a healthy lifestyle, exercise and healthy eating natural foods and can control myself from all the stress of life is the most important factor for ensure heart health in particular and health in general.

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Q: Explain how the circulation system is organized to make sure that the heart gets all that it needs?
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