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An expansive subject, which is the subject of many books,so please make use of the links provided.

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Q: Explain the life of Jesus and his basic teachings in detail?
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What are the basic teachings of Jesus?

Jesus taught us perfect love.

Describe three basic teachings of Jesus?

Love one another: Jesus taught to love others as ourselves, showing kindness and compassion to all. Repentance and forgiveness: Jesus emphasized the importance of seeking forgiveness for our sins and forgiving others in order to live a righteous life. The Kingdom of God: Jesus preached about the coming of the Kingdom of God, teaching about the values of humility, faith, and righteousness that would characterize it.

What is the name for the basic teachings of the Buddha?

The dhamma.

What are the basic teachings for the Jews?

That which is hateful to you, do not do to others.

What was the belief that contradicts basic Church teachings in ancient Rome and early Christianity?

Hersey is the belief that contradicts basic church teachings! Hope I helped

What are the Teachings of Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ in Christianity was and is the messiah. What he taught was amazing. He taught love, he was in fact the only perfect man that ever lived on this planet! Jesus's teachings are recorded in the bible, BASIC INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE LIVING EARTH. Christians believe Jesus will come again, and when he does he will bring distruction to all whom do not believe in him. This was what he taught. It is very difficult to describe Jesus Christ, for you must read of him to truly understand. ~Cleo Savage~

What is a cathlic?

It seems there may be a typo in your question. If you are asking about "Catholic," it is a denomination of Christianity that follows the teachings of Jesus Christ as passed down through the Apostles and interpreted by the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.

What are the three basic teachings of Buddhism?

they are suffering, death and starvation

What are three basic teachings of Hinduism?

Karma, Dharma and Samsara

Explain in detail the basic organization of computer with neat diagram?

The basic organisation of computer includes, 1.Control Unit2.Central Processing Unita)Control Unitb)Arithmetic and Logical Unitc)Memory Unit*Primary Storage*Secondary Storage3.Output Unit

What are the basic teachings of Confucius?

One must have respect for one's parents.

Basic teachings of Christianity?

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul. Love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus said, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."