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All programming languages are abstract things - collections of rules which dictate how symbols may form words, how words may form statements, and how statements may form programs.

Programming languages need "other stuff" in order to actually be useful. For most languages this will include either a compiler or an interpreter which can turn source code into executable programs.

Java's "other stuff" includes a compiler, which turns Java source code into Java byte code, and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which allows Java byte code to execute on your computer.

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Java explain the main feature of java language?

You don't have to rewrite your code to get it working 2 or more OS' That cuts down development cost and time by a lot.

Why java applet is executed faster than java script?

The java applet is in the java language and is run local to your computer, java script is in the language java script, this can be run local to server or computer. Java and java script are to different languages that run two different ways.

What is the difference structured programming language and java?

There is no difference between procedural programing language & structure programing language

What are the advantages of different java datatypes?

The Basic data types in Java arebyteint (Integer)longdoublefloatcharshortThe String type is an object.StringTo learn more about Java go to:[]

How are java applets and java applications similar?

we all know the general language which is universal to internet is HTML which is also called language of tags,(we hve nw many more languages) java language was made in keeping mind the scenario of internet and even it was called internet language the 2 parts of java are application and applets technically not approx the applet are programed with java language and distributed on internet and when we have to request for them the web server which understand HTML as a primary tool to interact wid user this HTML behave as interface so in nutshell vital role of HTML in java applets are to be a intermediator. hope u r satisfied wid answer.junaid niit

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Java explain the main feature of java language?

You don't have to rewrite your code to get it working 2 or more OS' That cuts down development cost and time by a lot.

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Why java applet is executed faster than java script?

The java applet is in the java language and is run local to your computer, java script is in the language java script, this can be run local to server or computer. Java and java script are to different languages that run two different ways.

Is Google related to java?

Java is a programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. It is a open source language which can be used by anyone and everyone, for more details on the use of java see Java patents. Google has developed a Java based OS for mobile devices which has been patented for its functionality which means that Google does not have any ownership rights over the actual Java language.

What is a java programming?

A java program is a program that is coded and run in the programming language called java. Java is similar to c++ in structure, and is more common in web apps. C++ is the equivalent for more heavy duty programs such as most software used to compose a java program.

Which has more jobs Java or PHP?

I suppose you will find more jobs if you are good with Java since many softwares are written in Java language whereas on the other side if you are inspired by internet then you should look forward to PHP which is a very sophisticated language for web world.

Which language is more suitable for web designing java or net and why?

Java and .Net are used more to create applications and interactive sites. It all depends on your background.

What language are the android phones written in?

Google's Android platform uses Java (not Java Script) as it's programming language. You can find out more about how to start at You can also download their SDK there.

What is the difference between javascript and java programming langugage?

JavaScript and java are 2 completely different things. JavaScript is in web pages to make it more interesting and java is a complex computing language devised from c + c++.

What is the readability of c plus plus and java?

Readability has nothing to do with the language beyond a basic understanding of the language. Since Java and C++ have much in common with regards syntax, there's little difference in terms of their underlying readability. However readability is more about the design and "style" employed by the programmer. Well-named identifiers and functions aid the readability, as does the code organisation (modular and consistent) as well as good use of whitespace, indentation and, above all, comments that explain why a statement exists or why it was written in such a way, rather than what it does (the code itself tells you exactly what it does so there's no point in re-iterating the fact).

Which one is more advanced oracle or java?

They are not comparable to each other. Oracle is a company/organization, or a database (developed by the organization with the same name). Java is a general purpose programming language. You may write a Java program not using Oracle database as the persistence. And you may use Oracle Database without Java programming language. Interestingly though, Oracle, the company, does provide both Oracle and Java Certification programs.

What are operators in the Java programming language?

Take a look at the 1st link below from Sun Microsystems (creator of Java), it will list most of the Java operators with an explanation. The 2nd link provides a more in-depth description of each type of operator.