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Q: Explain the structure of an animal cell under electron microscope?
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The relationship of the cell and the microscope?

A cell is a structure which is present inside everything in this world and a microscope is an electronic machine which enables people to see these cells. A cell is classified into plant cell and animal cell and a microscope is classified into electronic microscope and ordinary microscope. Plant cell has cell wall and cell membrane and animal cell has vacuole and nucleus. Electron microscope uses electrons and an ordinary microscope uses simple glass plate. There is also another type of microscope called light microscope which uses light.

What color is the vacuole in the animal?

cells are so small we cannot see color with a microscope or electron microscope. People do die them. It is probably clear because it is fluid.

What are the different types of microscope slides?

Electron microscope: atom, amino acids, protein, virus... Light Microscope: Plant and Animal cells, Human egg, frog egg.

Why are such a limited number of organelles observed when viewing the plant and animal cells under the microscope?

Most organelles are very small and require a magnification greater than the x1500 available using a light microscope. An electron microscope is required for greater magnification and resolution. Therefore a small area of the slide is avalible.

What color is the vacuole in an animal cell?

cells are so small we cannot see color with a microscope or electron microscope. People do die them. It is probably clear because it is fluid.

What criteria could you use to determine whether an unknown type of cell is from a plant or an animal?

If the cell is large enough, use a light microscope to analyze it. If it is too small, use an electron microscope. Identify the organelles within the cell. If there are chloroplasts, a central vacuole, or a cell wall, it is a plant cell.

What are the differences between a light microscope a compound microscope a stereoscopic light microscope a transmission electron microscope and a scanning electron microscope?

A light microscope uses a series of lenses to focus light allowing small objects to appear larger. A compound microscope works as a light microscope except it uses more than two lenses to increase magnification. A stereoscopic light microscope can be simple (one lens) or compound (more than one lens) and uses two eyepieces.A transmission electron microscope requires the object be in a vacuum and stained (usually with a heavy metal). The microscope fires electrons at the target and measures the diffraction allowing for a computer to generate an image.A scanning electron microscope uses an electron beam to scan the target. It then generates an image by analyzing the variety of signals produced such as secondary electrons released, electromagnetic radiation, and electron deflection.Also an electron microscope can observe a centriole, a tiny structure found in animal cells. Also to break down what a compound light microscope does is that it uses light and a curved piece of glass to make tiny structures appear larger. We can also see many other objects throw a microscope by taking a piece of cut Glass taking for example a piece of string and adding a drop of water then adding a small plastic thing and putting it under a COMPOUND LIGHT MICROSCOPE!!!!!!

What color is smooth ER in an animal cell?

I am not sure the smooth ER has a discernible color. The only way to really 'see' the smooth ER is via electron microscope, which only shows pictures in grey-scale, or with a strong light microscope after staining.

What tools do virologist use?

This is not a complete list but a virology lab should have access to An electron microscope (for looking at very small things), A thermocycler (for amplifying DNA using PCR) An ELISA plate reader (another test for detecting viruses.) A What_tools_does_a_virologist_usecentrifuge (used for purifying viruses) For a virologist looking at human and animal viruses they will need test human or animal cells to infect (cell cultures not the animals themselves)- and for a plant virologist test plants to infect.

If an animal has a vestigial structure what can a biologist infer about the animal's evolutionary history?

that the animal once had a use for that structure depending on where it lived. or that it decended from an animal that had that structure and used it.

What does a animal have but an insect don't?

An insect is a type of animal. Any structure on an insect is, by definition, a structure on an animal.

What is the largest structure in the animal structure?

The nucleus