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in the big bang the earth collected boulders to form its shape when the earth was hit time and time again the earth tilted a bit to its axis right now.

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The main theories that shape our understanding of the Earth include plate tectonics, which explains the movement of the Earth's lithosphere, and the rock cycle, which describes how rocks change through various processes. Additionally, the theory of deep time helps us grasp the immense age of the Earth and the gradual processes that have shaped its current state.

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Q: Explain the theories that shape the earth?
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What are the theories explain the shape of earth?

The two main theories explaining the shape of the Earth are the geoid theory and the oblate spheroid theory. The geoid theory suggests that the Earth is an irregular shape due to variances in gravitational forces and surface features. The oblate spheroid theory posits that the Earth is mostly a slightly flattened sphere, bulging at the equator and flattened at the poles due to its rotation.

What are the different theories about the shape of the earth?

The main theories about the shape of the Earth are the spherical Earth theory, which posits that the Earth is a sphere, and the flat Earth theory, which incorrectly suggests that the Earth is flat. The spherical Earth theory is supported by scientific evidence such as images of the Earth from space and the way ships disappear over the horizon.

What are the different theories regarding the shape of the earth?

The main theories regarding the shape of the Earth are the oblate spheroid theory, which posits the Earth is mostly spherical but slightly flattened at the poles due to its rotation; the geoid theory, which describes the Earth as an irregular shape that approximates global mean sea level; and the flat Earth theory, a debunked belief that the Earth is flat and not a sphere.

Which of are proposed theories of how life came about on Earth?

Some proposed theories on the origins of life on Earth include abiogenesis (life arising from non-living matter), panspermia (life arriving on Earth from elsewhere in the universe), and the RNA world hypothesis (life starting with self-replicating RNA molecules). These theories aim to explain the transition from non-life to the first living organisms on Earth.

What are the similarities between catastrophism and gradualism?

Both catastrophism and gradualism are theories used to explain changes in Earth's geology. They both involve processes that shape the Earth's surface over time, but they differ in the rate and scale of change. Catastrophism proposes that Earth's features are primarily the result of sudden, violent events, while gradualism suggests that changes occur slowly and steadily over long periods.

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What are the theories explain the shape of earth?

The two main theories explaining the shape of the Earth are the geoid theory and the oblate spheroid theory. The geoid theory suggests that the Earth is an irregular shape due to variances in gravitational forces and surface features. The oblate spheroid theory posits that the Earth is mostly a slightly flattened sphere, bulging at the equator and flattened at the poles due to its rotation.

What are the different theories about the shape of the earth?

The main theories about the shape of the Earth are the spherical Earth theory, which posits that the Earth is a sphere, and the flat Earth theory, which incorrectly suggests that the Earth is flat. The spherical Earth theory is supported by scientific evidence such as images of the Earth from space and the way ships disappear over the horizon.

What are the different theories regarding the shape of the earth?

The main theories regarding the shape of the Earth are the oblate spheroid theory, which posits the Earth is mostly spherical but slightly flattened at the poles due to its rotation; the geoid theory, which describes the Earth as an irregular shape that approximates global mean sea level; and the flat Earth theory, a debunked belief that the Earth is flat and not a sphere.

Was the moon attached to earth?

Perhaps. There are many myths surrounding the moon and Earth that explain the Earth's tilt and its imperfect shape.

How do you explain the age of the Earth?

The age of the Earth depends on many things, But first choose a one of the theories of how the Earth was created and go from there. There are so many different theories, be careful some of them could offend others, that depending on which one you choose your answers could dramatically change.

Which of are proposed theories of how life came about on Earth?

Some proposed theories on the origins of life on Earth include abiogenesis (life arising from non-living matter), panspermia (life arriving on Earth from elsewhere in the universe), and the RNA world hypothesis (life starting with self-replicating RNA molecules). These theories aim to explain the transition from non-life to the first living organisms on Earth.

What draws together a number of theories to understand a specific problem?

This is a scientific law. Theories explain (or attempt to explain) laws.

What leadership theories seek to explain leadership?

Leadership theories seek to explain the nature of leadership and the traits leaders possess. These theories also how individuals can hold authority over other individuals.

Compare cultural and structural theories which attempt to explain the social patterning of health and illness?

Cultural theories emphasize how beliefs, norms, and practices within a culture influence health behavior and outcomes. Structural theories focus on how societal factors like class, poverty, and access to resources contribute to health disparities. While cultural theories highlight individual beliefs and behaviors, structural theories prioritize broader social issues that shape health outcomes.

Why should a manager well versed in the various motivation theories?

Staet by defining Manager Then explain what motivation is Then explain briefly about motivation theories and how they are important to

Are there other theories that explain the same event as evolution theory?

No, there are no other theories but the theory of evolution by natural selection that explain so much about evolution.

According to early scientists what was the shape of the Earth?

Early scientists believed that the Earth was flat, based on observations and theories available at the time. It wasn't until later advancements in science, such as the observations of celestial bodies and exploration of new lands, that the understanding of the Earth's shape evolved to being round.