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Q: Explain the utility of different system analysis approaches?
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Describe the meaning of utility in economics and explain why it is different from on consumer to another?

Describe the meaning of utility in economics and explain why it is different from one consumer to another.

Differences between cardinal and ordinal utility approach?

A difference is that with ordinal utility approaches, you cannot numerically measure the level of consumer satisfaction. With cardinal utility approaches, you can to an extent.

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use your dish washer and keep the light on if you turn it off you dont conserve eneergy

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kamine ka jab had hota hai to use utility analysis khate hai

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In conjoint analysis, a part-worth utility refers to the utility of a certain attribute level.

How do you explain utility bills?

ghgj ghgj

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explain the concept of utility and its notions

How is the principle of diminishing marginal utility is related to the downward-sloping demand curve?

Diminishing marginal utility implies that, for each unit of production consumed, utility is increasing at a decreasing rate. Therefore, a consumer's greatest utility gain is always at the first unit of a good and then steadily falls to 0 as they approach infinity. A consumer's willingness to pay for a good depends on their expected utility gain, so as quantity approaches infinity, willingness-to-pay approaches 0 at a diminishing, negative rate.

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we cannot explain it its huge

Consumers used cost- benefit analysis in order to maximize what?

Consumers use cost-benefit analysis in order to maximize utility.